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cimex clicking

July 4 2008 at 10:46 PM

My cimex just started clicking when i turn it on. The sound is coming from the pad area. I used it on another residential carpet and It was dry within an hour. I use air movers and its so fast. The only issue I had was the customer had 4 big coffee spills that she didn't want to pay to have removed. They have been in her carpet for around 4 months. I wonder if the encap will help with it a little. Happy 4th everyone.


Re: cimex clicking

July 5 2008, 5:42 AM 

I clean a small chain coffee houses and use my Cimex with great results using Fiberplus pads and Releasit DS. I approach bad stains with little moisture and more aggitation to prevent wicking. Give it a go


Rick Gelinas

Re: cimex clicking

July 5 2008, 7:53 AM 

The Cimex is like a person. They start to creak and groan more and more as they get older. What you're hearing is the beginning of the bearings starting to wear. All of the Cimex machines I have ever owned have had clicking bearings for a long time before the bearings ever need replacing. It's not something you need to worry about for a good while.

By the way, as a reminder to everyone... Make sure you lift the head of the Cimex off the carpet when you start up the motor. This will take the stress off the machine. The belt will last longer, the bearings will last longer, and the motor will last longer. Simply press downward on the handle slightly to lift the head off the carpet. Squeeze the solution trigger for a couple of seconds to get some juice into the pads. Then take your first step forward as you ease the head onto the carpet.

Jeff nailed it for the coffee stains. You may also want to bring along a "Coffee Stain Remover" since the coffee spots could leave behind a brown hue on account of the tannin in the coffee, But as a rule, most spill stains come up pretty easy with the Releasit/Cimex combination. Use my little trick for spill recurring stains. Here's a link that addresses "spill stains"...

Spill Stain Remedy:

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - cimex clicking
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS