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Oriental Rugs

July 5 2008 at 8:46 PM


the host is said to be safe on Oriental Rugs. Has anyone ever used it on these rugs before? With what results?

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Del Scrivner

Re: Oriental Rugs

July 5 2008, 9:47 PM 


I have never used Host and I do not clean rugs but I can offer you this advice:

1)  Personally I would NEVER touch a rug without specific training they can be VERY different then carpet.  (Why I don't do rugs- no training- YET!)

2)  They can be WAAAAAAAAAAAY more expensive then carpet.  Which does mean you cna charge more per sq ft.--- but it also means that if you screw it up without proper training that it will cost you alot of money that you probably do not want to pay.

3)  Talk to your insurance agent and make sure you have the correct coverage.  I know that if you haul the rugs there is different coverage for that that is not covered by standard liability insurance.

With that said if rugs interest you cleaning (and repairing them) has been very profitable for those that do it.  Just get your ducks in a row and go for broke!

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Oriental Rugs

July 5 2008, 11:21 PM 

Hey thanks young man.

I appreciate the heads up. I was looking at the fact that it is a dry cleaning it wouldn't be as risky. I figured since my circumstances don't allow me to set up a rug plant even if i had the training then i could take another angle and still get a piece of the GUORMET pie. (oriental rug cleaning)

Hey Del by the way, I was compensated my due from the big boys in IL.
Thanks Del I really and truly appreciate you man, for pulling those strings.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

John Middleton

Re: Oriental Rugs

July 6 2008, 12:42 AM 

Hey Alex,

I do a few rugs.

I've never used any absorbent dry compound so I can't offer any advice there.

HOWEVER, we clean up to 5 rugs a week, not heaps, but a small consistant volume, and they are all done in house.

We test each rug for likely problems etc. Some are fragile and won't stand mechanical aggitation, some are bleeders and so on.

When I get a bleeder, the system I tend to use is Releasit EncapClean DS. I tend to faom it up good and scrub lightly, usually by hand and then speed dry.

Not the most advanced method, but has worked 8-10 times for me over the past year since we've been doing rugs.

Being down under in New Zealand, getting training is almost an impossibility. I bought Aaron Grosecloses' book that he co authored from Dusty. Dusty's www' website is also an awesome resource.

I intend to explore the dry compound cleaners more, but since I stubled across the results I got from the aboe procedure, I haven't felt the need to go further with dry compound.

I also use the DS and Cimex combo for jute/sisal rugs as well.

95+ % of my rugs are cleaned using DS somewhere in the process.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Re: Oriental Rugs

July 6 2008, 8:42 AM 

Alex, I have cleaned plenty of rugs with Host. Host is ground up corn cobs with cleaning chems in it including H2o. The key is choosing the right brush for the CRB machine, Gold is the softest and I would start there. Harvard Chemical Co. also has a similar product called Control that is almost indentical to Host. When using either of these products, the real challenge is removing the product from the rugs after it dries (vacuuming)I would advise getting training, because rugs come in many flavors. There is lots of training available now that wasn't there 20 years ago.


Re: Oriental Rugs

July 6 2008, 8:38 PM 

Thanks Ray.

I guess i'll stop looking at that Host machine on ebay then.Until i can get some training no Gormet pie for me.(did i spell that right?)

There was one guy who came and cleaned our hall with the dry compound. He spreaded it all over the carpet let dwell, then vacuumed it up. He left a whole lot of the the corn on the cobb behind. People were complaining about that for the next week and a half. All 100 of us couldhave gotten full off of what he left behind. LOL

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Don Eldred

Re: Oriental Rugs

July 7 2008, 8:33 AM 

The concept behind the Host method was that it was developed to clean carpets [back in the early days] that could not be wet cleaned, it was a very safe process, major problem to this day is removal of product from the carpet, at least with loose rugs you can vacuum from the back and remove most of the product, on location cleaning impossible!


Del Scrivner

Re: Oriental Rugs

July 6 2008, 2:50 PM 

No problemo Alex, just a few e-mails.  They are are good bunch over there too and I knew that they would take care of you- although they usually don't take that many tries.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


compound cleaning

July 7 2008, 2:00 AM 

I did this fourm of cleaning for a while. I found that it does leave alot of compound of the carpet. Sometimes you dont have time to wait til it's dry enouph. I had problems with carpet that has uneven pile. One carpet i did 6x12 rug i returned the next day to roll the carpet up and give it a shake. I was surprised the amount left, 2 full cups. This carpet being a friends, it was a test.I still use it now and again, because i have several boxes.

I also found if your doing darker clour carpets you see the rermains more. Its the amound of work the brushes has to do to remove the soil on wool carpets.

- Static

-amout of vacuuming on hard floor surfaces in homes.

-stairs if your not carpful it will brush onver the ends into the hallway or whatever is below the stairs.

Little things that cost time.

It's a positive tool, hydro offices use it everyday needs.

I also have a prespray for stains, but onece i ran into the encap solutions i soon lost interest. I also tested the prespray and it was thick after 48 hrs(dish). So i was worried about my resoiling rates.

The compound costs is really high here in Canada close to .07 per sq ft incluedes shipping




July 8 2008, 2:54 AM 

I use HOST as my main cleaner and use release it as a prespay if needed and the removal of HOST is not an issue at all you just need a good vac to suck it up. If you use to much i guess it could be an issue but what little that is left behind if done the right way is not an issue at all. Carpets tottaly dry before i leave a job, stuff works great but is spendy compared to straight encapping.



Host / Another Dry Option

July 8 2008, 4:49 PM 

1-800-dry carpet out of California. Type in 1-800-drycarpet in the google search box.

There is also DRYMAX.

Current Topic - Oriental Rugs
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