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MSDS Sheets. Comparing DS with Standard EncapClean

July 11 2008 at 7:31 PM
Thomas Owens 

I was asked to provide the MSDS sheet for the chemical I will be using.

In reading the DS sheet versus the regular EncapClean, it sure makes it look like the DS is worse. Of course it is still only a 1 for health, but just relatively speaking to each other.

Is this really only applicable for shipping purposes for the full strength concentrate? Once you dilute both products properly, wouldn't they both be the same anyway?

This is for a residential building complex, so they are a little paranoid about health issues.




July 11 2008, 7:45 PM 

Why don't you do a 200 sq ft demo and see how many people you kill with your carpet cleaning. They should be more concerned with staff beating up old people, changing diapers, proper medication and qualified nurses. Liberal run institutions just don't get it. Show them the enviropact statement.

Thomas Owens


July 11 2008, 8:47 PM 

It's just the board of directors wants to micro-manage every step of the way. The resident manager I'm dealing with is great, though. She's pretty fed up with them.

We are very close to getting this contract in spite of all of the politics.

It was pretty hilarious when one on the board members thought I used bleach on the demo because their dirty carpet looked so bright again. I guess that was actually a compliment, in an ignorant sort of way.

That is where the need to provide the MSDS data sheet came from. They just wanted to know that I wasn't nuking their carpet.

So back to the question on the difference between the MSDS sheets of Encap DS and EncapClean. Is it just because DS has a higher concentration everything in it's concentrated form?

Once either product hits the carpet in it's diluted form, it's probably super duper safe.


Rick Gelinas


July 11 2008, 10:11 PM 

If you like the specs on Encap-Clean better than Encap-Clean DS - give them that one. They are in fact identical (at their diluted state), as you correctly stated.

BTW I love what Charles said. Sometimes these building managers strain out the gnat, but gulp down the camel.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens


July 12 2008, 4:09 AM 

Good point guys. I guess that's what a micro-manager is. See the tiny little details, but not what's staring them in the face!

Actually I did send them the EncapClean MSDS. Didn't want them to think that DS was going to burn down their building. LOL!

Those sheets are pretty lame. Why they don't have diluted / RTU information as well is beyond me.

It's like they want everyone to freak out when they read them.

If they had a MSDS for water, it might say, "prolonged submersion in it could be fatal."

Current Topic - MSDS Sheets. Comparing DS with Standard EncapClean
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