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New crb?

July 11 2008 at 9:28 PM


Hey Rick,didn't I see a post where you mentioed that your going to be distributing a new crb?



Rick Gelinas

Re: New crb?

July 11 2008, 10:14 PM 

We now carry 3. The Sprint. The iCapsol. And the Brush & Clean.

The Brush & Clean machines are not on our website yet. But this is what they look like...

Rick Gelinas


Re: New crb?

July 12 2008, 8:06 PM 

That machine is made in Austria and comes in 3 sizes 20"-15"- 10" and there is an adaptor available to hook two 15" together to clean 30" at a time. This is the same machine Whittaker has been selling for a long time, but would not recommend you buy them from them. The last time I bought one, I hade to buy 5 cases of their product, a pump-up sprayer, case of spotting chems, and a brush on a pole ($89) like the one I sold Rick for $15. That is called "bundle-ling. They won't sell it any other way. GET IT from Rick! This is an excellent machine, I have several, they last and last. I would not be without one.


Del Scrivner

Re: New crb?

July 13 2008, 1:32 PM 

No onboard sprayer?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: New crb?

July 13 2008, 9:28 PM 

No onboard sprayer.
Just a rock solid cylindrical scrubber.

Rick Gelinas


Re: New crb?

July 14 2008, 10:18 PM 

So Rick... is there any price info yet?


Jeanette Matte


And most important, for today............

July 15 2008, 2:05 AM 

How does it perform on trashed rental apartments?

Do you still need to back it up with HWE ?

Most of mine aren't really trashed, but just grotty.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Thomas Owens

Re: And most important, for today............

July 15 2008, 5:25 AM 

I don't have this particular CRB, but I do have an Icapsol.

Today I cleaned an apartment for a customer that has a dog. Traffic lanes were very dark. Started with the Icapsol, but didn't make much of a difference. Decided to bust out the Mex, and that did the trick.

I don't think a crb will do a great job on heavier soils. The Cimex on the other hand hasn't met a carpet that it didn't do an incredible job on yet (in my experience).

I did finish up the job with the Icapsol, as it lifts the pile and makes everything look nice and even. That will probably be what I will use it for most often.

Of course it pulls up a lot of junk, even after the Cimex goes over an area.

Great tool. It puts the finishing touch on a job like nothing else can.

Current Topic - New crb?
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