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Roto Brush Furniture

July 13 2008 at 12:57 PM

I do a lot of carpets with my truck mount, after reading a lot about the Roto Brush on furniture, can Rick or some one give me a rundown on how to do it. Drill speed, how much Releasit to spray down, etc?

The reason I ask is that I run into sofas and chairs that are never cleaned and are bad, and they end up taking a lot of work. I am looking for something faster and works better then HWE.



Not qualified to answer, but .........................................

July 13 2008, 8:48 PM 

Hi Ron, got your email thanks.

I'm not really qualified to answer this one because I don't use the drill & brush.

For me, the Makita variable speed polisher with bonnets, and occasionally pads, is my tool of choice.

Very comfortable, even Delia uses it, it is so easy.


Points to note though.

All fabrics are different, some will not need much juice (micro fibre), others will need more (heavy fabrics).

Don't drown the fabric with juice, otherwise you will be splattering it all over the room and other items.

By the same token, don't let the juice get so dry it will be useless.

Pretty much the same as using "Big Yella", you see that foam coming out & you know you have enough.

I also carry a small spotter bottle/trigger spray for those stubborn marks.

I would not be using a high speed, I use the lowest speed on "Little Mak".

If you go to fast you run the risk of them flying off.

Hopefully, Gary Heacock, Rick, or someone with experience on the drill will answer this better for you.

All the best mate.

Oh yeah, I use a small five litre pump up sprayer to apply the juice with.

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jul 13, 2008 8:52 PM
This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jul 13, 2008 8:50 PM


Re: Not qualified to answer, but .........................................

July 13 2008, 9:00 PM 

Shorty gives good advice as usual. I am not fond of the Roto Brush on the end of a drill for cleaning furniture. I do like the pads on the Makita for heavy soiled furniture followed by 100% cotton bonnets on the Makita. I also clean alot of chairs in Auto Dealerships, Doctors and Denist Offices that are pretty bad with HWE. I would pre-spray with Releasit DS or Punch and brush in with a uph. brush and allow 5 min. of dwell time before extracting.

Geoff Alger

Re: Not qualified to answer, but .........................................

July 14 2008, 12:58 AM 

I use Shorty's method plus the drill brush attachment. I find the drill brush better to use where there are pleats, or hard to get at places, like along ribbing etc. I use a multi speed drill. I also recently got caught with just the drill brush in a house full of stairs that had to be cleaned, and it did a great job.

PCYC002.jpg picture by gja2444

This message has been edited by AussieGeoff on Jul 14, 2008 1:28 AM
This message has been edited by AussieGeoff on Jul 14, 2008 1:26 AM

Current Topic - Roto Brush Furniture
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS