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Incredible service (shill post!)

July 15 2008 at 9:51 PM
Tony Guttieri  

I've had some pretty good service for various things in the past but I couldn't help be impressed by the lightning fast service that Rick and his crew (I am sorry! I forgot Mr. C's name again!) provided when we had some equipment malfunction. (Just a side note: the equipment worked right through 11,000 sq ft even though it had a switch problem.) They sent the parts asap without me even asking. And they were on the phone to me just as fast letting me know what to expect.

This made me think back to any problems that my customers have had and if I had reacted as quickly.

It would be nice if everyone that we do business with would equally treat us the way this crew has reacted. Unfortunately for others, Excellent Supply stands at the top.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Incredible service (shill post!)

July 15 2008, 11:29 PM 

Thank you for those kind words Tony. We do try hard, and it's gratifying to hear your views on our service. And I know that Drew Canaday (our newest team member) will likewise appreciate your comments. Thank you for allowing us to serve you! If we can help you in any way, please don't hesitate to ask (I mean it).

Rick Gelinas



July 17 2008, 9:23 AM 

Thanks, we appreciate your business and feel that it should be earned and not expected!

Current Topic - Incredible service (shill post!)
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