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Stanley Steemer

July 15 2008 at 9:54 PM

Has anyone ever checked out their website? they have a calculator
that helps a customer figure the cost of cleaning. They have three columns, one for clean, protect and deoderize. By using Releasit, am I Providing all three on the same level? Can I safely tell my customers (or prospective ones) that in the end I am cheeper than stanley?


Del Scrivner

Re: Stanley Steemer

July 15 2008, 11:25 PM 

My advice don't focus on cheaper- "don't fight for the bargain basment".

Focus on VALUE, that may be higher or lower in price, then a competitor, but VALUE is what people buy.

A focus on QUALITY wil allow you to place the VALUE (cost) of your services higher.

Don't try to beat Stanley at their games- YOU WILL LOSE.  They dominate that market and play their little "advertising games" to rule the market.

Notice that they never tell you what the $99 special includes.  That allows them to have it be whatever they want when they show up.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Re: Stanley Steemer

July 16 2008, 12:12 AM 

Del, I completely understand what you mean. I by NO means try to undervalue my services by being "cheaper". What actually prompted me to ponder the question was an email I received, In which a lady replied that she would clean the couch her self, it was too expensive having me do it.

In turn, I felt I should check what SS would charge, and in turn sent her the link. It showed that both our prices were the same, yet mine included protector & deodorizer. just thought it was funny, yet curious at the same time.

Is what SS uses for protector and deodorizer comparable to what Releasit has by itself?

Don Eldred

Re: Stanley Steemer

July 16 2008, 7:58 AM 

To answer your question NO!


Re: Stanley Steemer

July 16 2008, 9:49 AM 

Thanks Don, just curious, why not?


Re: Stanley Steemer

July 16 2008, 11:48 AM 

"They have three columns, one for clean, protect and deoderize. By using Releasit, am I Providing all three on the same level?"

if using let's say Punch, you are not leaving enough protectant to advertise as such.

so you have to buy some soileze and apply that to really be advertising protectant application.

as far as deodorizing, i've no clue, wait for Rick or someone else to chime in.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Stanley Steemer

July 16 2008, 8:04 PM 

Unprofessional to bad mouth another company or copy there marketing. One of my favorite phrases is "anyone can beat anyones price, real value is in the service and satisfaction provided".

Don't worry about your competition it waste time and energy. let them worry about what your doing.

When S.S. gets brought up to me in a negative way, I politely say I won't bad mouth another company but I do service many of their customers.

Joe M

Good point

July 16 2008, 10:14 PM 

Jeff, I like that last point you make. That you service their customers.

Good, very good.

Funny thing is when I think about it, I do service their customers, at least they were there customers.


Sorry the point of this thread was overlooked...

July 16 2008, 10:47 PM 

Jeff - sorry you didnt understand what was written in the above posts. I wasnt bad mouthing SS. I wasnt copying their marketing either. I always tell folks protection and deoderizer is included in their cleaning. Please reread what was posted before accusing me of bad mouthing or copying a competitor.

I believe it naive to not watch what tactics your competitor uses. BTW not everyone that I have met in my ways have had bad things to say about SS. In fact, there have been compliments.
(It depends on the tech and how they use their tools).

Just curious if the properties of Releasit, DS or Punch has enough built in protection or deoderizer to market it as one product, in relation to what else might be offered on the market.

Thank you to those of you who offered qualified responses. I still have some research to do!


Re: Sorry the point of this thread was overlooked...

July 17 2008, 5:20 AM 

Matt- Sorry for the misunderstanding. The deodorizer in Releasit DS in my opinion is better than Punch so technically yes you are providing cleanliness, and deodorizer but really not much protectant unless you apply Soileze. I do let my customers know that the product "I'm using is Green Safe and also provides a certain level of protectant at no addtional charge" this simple statement will add value to your service as perceived by your customer.

Current Topic - Stanley Steemer
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