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Encapping Matresses

July 19 2008 at 10:36 PM

I just had a request to clean a mattress or two. They are expensive kind and he doesn't want to spend 8 to 900.00 on new ones. He tried cleaning with some detergent but i'm guessing he didn't like the out come.

I'm thinking mattress cleaning would charge similar to upholstery. I don't own a porty yet so i would be encapping it.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Don Eldred

Re: Encapping Matresses

July 21 2008, 8:26 AM 

Now this should be interesting!!!!


Re: Encapping Matresses

July 21 2008, 9:37 AM 

We clean them $100.00 using a HWE and a Drimaster tool. Vacuum it well, neutral precondition, acid side rinse. If they want both sides done you'll need butcher paper or something like it so you can stand it on edge while it dries.

Pillow top mattress can run from $900.00 to over $2,000.00 new.

*Caution not all dyes are stable on these fabrics, test first, be careful of high PH pre-conditioners. Don't use spotters without informing the customer of the color loss risk.


Re: Encapping Matresses

July 21 2008, 3:35 PM 

Richard gave you a good low down on using a porty to extract.
Option, rent one for the day.
Option 2, do it low moisture encap, just like the info here in the forum says to do it for upholstry. I did it that way. I also cheat and use a hand buffer on some. Test first, colour fast test always.

The encap is great for killing and getting to most everything. I am moving soon and will use the Oreck on my mattress as well. Use the bonnet or pad, just to see how well it works. Use the extractor on the kids bed.. kids bed.. hmmm lots of, deep down stains if you know what I mean.

Upholstry comes out great everytime and the beds come out great as well. If there is a lot of pee (like kids beds) extract..
Try using a micro fibre hand mit to do this with as well. You will need air movers.


Joe Gilstrap

Re: Encapping Matresses

July 21 2008, 7:18 PM 

Alex, seems like to me that a steam vapor machine would be the way to go. Talk about killin bed bugs!

Here is a pic of one I have been lookin at.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

You can check it out at Smart Cleaning Solutions. They even have a video you can watch. It's called a Desidero.

This message has been edited by joeg345 on Jul 21, 2008 7:21 PM


Bed Bugs

July 22 2008, 5:40 AM 

Very few things will kill these hardy creatures. One thing will for sure is Microban X-580


Steamin & Buggin

July 22 2008, 10:03 PM 

Steam, proper steam, is very effective for eradicate bed bugs ..... HOWEVER .....

There should be ample amount of steam produced under LOW PRESSURE.

HIGH PRESSURE will merely blow the bugs away with virtually no harm to them.

Be aware of BLOOD filled nests, this is usually found under the webbing around the perimeter of the mattress, also they like to get under any labels that are attached to the mattress.

Bed bugs are also hitch hikers.

For instance, in my area of high humidity and warm temps;, you may have people that normally stay in five star accommodation, go out on the dive boats that stay overnight for a couple of days.

These dive trips are also favourites of back packers.

The bud bugs move from the host (body) or luggage, to the mattress to lay eggs.

The next person comes along, the bed bugs then hitch a ride either on their luggage, or on the person themselves.

In turn, they arrive at the five star accommodation, and the rest is history.

This is why infestations occur where one would normally not expect them.

I am always wary of using chemicals on mattresses due to some peoples insensitivities to some chemicals.

Hope this is of some help.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

PS ::: Oh yeah, not only do they stay in the mattress, but also hide in rooms in small crevices, telephone connections, behind wall hangings, paintings, etc, and a big favourite for them, if available, is inside cane furniture.

I have deliberately dropped a cane chair from a low height and several bugs have fallen onto the floor from the chair.

YUK !!!!!!

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Jul 22, 2008 10:06 PM

Current Topic - Encapping Matresses
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