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Cimex or Orbot? (Again)

July 28 2008 at 1:35 PM
Geoff Dunlap  

Hello all this is my first post on this board so a little background. I am a new to the CC business and although I am now doing some residential I am still really in the process of learning all aspects of the business. I have already purchased hwe equipment for residential and I am very happy with my choice (recoil 3 xps and a rotovac 360) but now I want to get a good machine for commercial. After researching for weeks I finally decided on a cimex 19" and then just before ordering it from Rick I see the new orbot and get all gaga. I am starting to think maybe the orbot is the best for me right now since it looks like I would be able to do both commercial and residential with it which would be nice to have when hwe is not an option for whatever reason. I am going to be getting a power washer for tile and grout but as a backup could the cimex or orbot get the job done? I wish I could just get both but that's probably not an option right now. Seems there is no easy answer to which machine is best to get but any and all reply's will be appreciated.

Thanks, Geoff


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cimex or Orbot? (Again)

July 28 2008, 3:37 PM 

"I am starting to think maybe the orbot is the best for me right now since it looks like I would be able to do both commercial and residential with it which would be nice to have when hwe is not an option for whatever reason. I am going to be getting a power washer for tile and grout but as a backup could the cimex or orbot get the job done?"

Ahh, decisions, decisions.

You are correct in thinking that the Orbot would satisfy both commercial and residential. Whereas, the Cimex is better suited to commercial. However you also mentioned tile and grout cleaning. Either the Cimex or the Orbot could be used for scrubbing tile and grout with the appropriate brush.

Let me know if I can help you.

Rick Gelinas




July 28 2008, 3:50 PM 

First your Rotovac 360 will do tile. I would buy the cimex first and get Rick's special package where he throws in a case of Releasit. 1 job pays for it all. Then the next two jobs buys you the Orbot. Watch his video on the main page of this site.

Joe M

What ever

July 28 2008, 4:32 PM 

What ever you do just buy it from Rick.

I have delt with many people over the years, and by far Rick is the best in the biz.

Good luck, and I hate to say it but the new ORBOT does look sweet.


Re: What ever

July 28 2008, 5:30 PM 

Heres my take on it. Even though your looking for a commercial cleaner right now. I would recommend the Orbot, heres why it will allow you to play both sides of the fence residential and commercial where as the Cimex is mainly for commercial although some do use it for residential as well. I own both so I can give some insight as to using both in different applications. And yes Rick will take care of you like you would want him to, he has the same customer service as Ed Valentine who probably sold you your XPS, both great people to be associated with.


You're in a quandary mate

July 28 2008, 5:54 PM 

Geoff, you are in somewhat of a quandary mate.

Decisions, decisions, what to do & what to buy.

I also have had my 'Mex; for several years now, and I have had HWE far in excess of my memory banks

As you say, you are already set up for domestic work with your recoil & 360, which as has been explained will also do tile.

Decision on the 'Mex; or Orbot ??

If I was in your shoes, (I'd like to be half a mile away before you knew) , I would be looking at the commercial side of the work that you have, or are looking at getting.

ie; how big a job are they going to be.

With my 'Mex; I am happy to do any size job from the smallest to the biggest.

With an Orbot, I don't know how I would feel cleaning a large office that is going to take one, or even two days to complete with the 'Mex;

With the 'Mex; you "set & forget" as you clean, except for adding juice.

Now, I am the first to admit that I don't know the operating principles of the Orbot as to how long it takes to do xxx amount of square feet in a given situation.

But what would deter me from using an Orbot in a large area, would be the constant changing of towels, and then having to clean them when I get home.

Yes, the grey matter just kicked in and said to me that the Orbot uses BIG pads as well.

This would make a huge difference in this respect.

Probably, this post has confused you even more so

I just feel so dang comfortable using my 'Mex; even though I didn't buy it from Rick, but his best supplier down under

Rick let me play with it first though at Connections a long time ago which made up my mind.

One last apple in the cart, this Friday I also will be playing around with an Orbot

These are all tools (toys), that we collect over time, that allow us to make educated decisions on the absolute best method and equipment to use for the job at hand.

Good luck in your quest and in your future business.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: You're in a quandary mate

July 29 2008, 8:03 AM 

Shorty i think i understand what your saying
brett from the west

Thomas Owens

20" Fiber Plus with Orbot?

July 31 2008, 11:46 PM 

Anyone used the Orbot with a 20" fiber plus pad? If so, how was it? That's a lot of friction going on there. I was wondering how the machine would handle it. Also, how does it clean (results, speed) with a fiber plus pad?


Current Topic - Cimex or Orbot? (Again)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS