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New Website :-)

August 4 2008 at 6:46 PM

Rick Gelinas 

Here's a new website that's just for fun.

Take a peek...

Rick Gelinas


Del Scrivner

Re: New Website :-)

August 4 2008, 8:01 PM 

How come you have more hair on that site?

Just a question from a fellow follically challenged individual.

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Jorge Schmidt

New website

August 4 2008, 8:01 PM 

Hey Rick:

Nice site. Very fun.

I also have a new site.

Take a peek here:

Sorry. Itīs in spanish.


Rick Gelinas

Re: New website

August 4 2008, 11:50 PM 


Although I don't understand Spanish, I know a good site when I see one. And this site looks good. Well done!

The only thing that you might want to consider is the phone number. It's nowhere to be found, not even on the contact page. The phone number should be prominent on a "service website". Aside form that hough, it looks very good!

Rick Gelinas




August 5 2008, 7:11 AM 

I don't speak Spanish but here is the translation:

( taking care of-its-carpets )

Jorge Schmidt

Re: New website

August 5 2008, 10:40 AM 


Thanks for the good counsel and your kind words.

This is an info site.

Many people in the spanish speaking world have no idea about their carpets. They know little about how to buy, mantain and clean in a good way. So they have many problems in buying, installing, maintaining, and cleaning their carpets. They last a short time in good shape.

The main goal of the site is to give the best guide and recommend only the best products for all this areas and steps. So they can enjoy their carpets for many years in good health.

In my over 20 years in the cleaning business, and after using many different chems, I found that your products are the best of all. No doubt. If all the cleaners and customers in Chile and other speaking countries wouldt know and use your products the outcome wouldt be different. (Sorry for my poor english)

What I have found in my cleaning work with ReleaseIt:

1. This is a very, very economical product. I have bought from you more than a year ago and the product has lasted three to four times longer than any other product I have used. With one bottle a can clean as far as 1500 m2. This is outstanding when you consider that most of the carpets where in very poor condition.

2. The cleaning last much longer. There is no comparison. Before using RelesaIt I had many complains. After using it I had only congratulations.

3. The spots wont come back. Before using ReleaseIt I had always problems with the spots. After using it: no more spots.

4. ReleaseIt facilitates the next cleanings. It's always easy to clean the second time. This was totally different with the other detergents. I am delighted and my customers are recommending me more.

5. ReleaseIt is good for commercial and houses. I am using it in both areas with outstanding results. No complaints, only appraisal.

6. You can use ReleaseIt with a wide range of equipment with good results. I have used it with the Cimex, oscillating pad machine and a rotary.

As you see, I can recommend, in the area of detergents, your product without hessitation because the products is one of the key ingredients for caring carpets and reaching the goal of extending the life of the carpets in good shape for many years.

Thanks, Rick

Thanks for the traduction
You are very close to the exact meaning.
I think it woold be: "taking care oy your carpets"


Re: New website

August 5 2008, 12:51 PM 

There are a few spanish speaking people up here in the Frozen North.. LOL kinda hot right now actually.

Very nice site. Now I will refer them to your site for some info on carpets. I will also pass along to two carpet stores where I know the staff and they give info to the customer. I hope you do not mind, and the info holds true for the Canadian market as well. I will add in a link to your website from mine soon as well, I can then just point them there.

Good on ya, nice, very nice.


Jorge Schmidt

Re: New website

August 5 2008, 2:14 PM 


Thanks for your recommendations. I appreciate that.

Yes, the info about carpets is ok for the Canadian marquet. The principles about the fibers and the type of construction apply for all carpets.

Many people buy based only in the appareance and have problems later. They don't understand that not all fibers behave in the same manner. So itīs important to match carefully the use the carpet will undergo and the type of construction and fiber you will buy.

I will also post a link to your site.


Thomas Owens

Re: New Website :-)

August 7 2008, 3:36 PM 

I don't have OCCD. Really I don't! I can quit cleaning commercial carpet anytime I want to.

(Denial is a huge obstacle to recovery).

Current Topic - New Website :-)
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS