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Spotting as an Add-On Service

August 11 2008 at 4:04 PM

Rick Gelinas  

For several years in our carpet cleaning business we offered a SPOTTING SERVICE. We've used a brush that I bought from Ray Moody a few years ago for $15. Ray had actually purchased the spotting brush for $80 (I'm not kidding). Here's what it looks like...

We used that brush for a few years and it made us a tidy sum of money. The only drawback to that particular brush is its lack of scrubbing action. The wheels prevent it from making good contact with the carpet so it can't dig in very well. Yet the concept of the brush design is good.

Well we're now offering a simple yet effective spotting brush that does an awesome job on commercial carpet! And it sells for just $10.95 It's called the SpotBrush. Check it out...


So how do you approach a Spotting Program? Picture this. You have a customer that you clean carpets for on a regular basis. But they have frequent spills throughout their building. Simply offer a spot cleaning service where you go into the account once a month or so. Rather than dragging a Cimex or some other scrubber around the building, you can simply walk the building with the SpotBrush and a sprayer. You can offer this spotting service at a very reasonable rate or you could build it right into the maintenance contract. Either way, spotting adds value to your companies services and helps you increase your revenue.

Here's all you need for a simple sotting service. Mix up a sprayer with Releasit Encap-Clean DS mixed 1-4 with water. Spray each spot lightly. Then scrub the carpet with the SpotBrush. That's all there is to it! Spots disappear and they don't return. (For really tough spots, you may also want to carry along a quart of Encap-Spot too.)

This simple SpotBrush will set you back $15 (after you add a handle). This is a simple way to add a profit generator to your business and provide an even better service for your commercial clients.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 11, 2008 11:49 PM
This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 11, 2008 6:00 PM

Thomas Owens

Re: Spotting as an Add-On Service

August 12 2008, 2:50 AM 

Funny you should bring this up, as a facility I just landed wanted me to provide spotting when necessary. This sounds like a super easy way to do it.

I just have to figure out how much to charge for spotting.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Spotting as an Add-On Service

August 12 2008, 7:44 AM 

Charge by the hour.

For example, if you figure you can walk through the building spotting in an hour, and your hourly rate is $100 - you'd charge $100.

By the way, you'd be amazed at how much spotting you can cover in an hour! We've serviced a group of three decent sized office buildings in one complex (two 3-story, and one 2-story). It takes our tech less than an hour to open up every door of every office as he runs through the buildings looking for spots. This technique is quick, simple, and effective.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Aug 12, 2008 8:06 AM


One of the Greatest Tips!

August 12 2008, 8:17 AM 

We as CCers tend to think of equipment to clean. I can't tell you how many dollars I have earned with a quart spray bottle of encap and a brush on a pole. It is fast and effective, and keeps complaints to a minimum. Remember, they don't see the clean carpet, but they do see the spot. Way to go Rick, everyone needs this brush.

Current Topic - Spotting as an Add-On Service
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