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August 13 2008 at 2:54 PM
David Hebert  

Just ordered our new Orbot
After I get to play with it a bit I will post
Pictures and give a review.
Cannot wait to try it out.

We ordered it with sprayer and extra pad driver


Rick Gelinas

Re: Orbot

August 13 2008, 6:01 PM 

Congratulations David!

And thank you for your order.

You're going to love it!

Rick Gelinas

David Hebert

Re: Orbot

August 13 2008, 8:07 PM 

I am sure I will Rick.
By the way as I am sure you know, your staff is great to deal with. The kicker to get this moving today was my Master Blend scrubbers motor froze up. You know what a pain it is to get at the motor.
After breaking three easy outs I made the call

Brad Whiteman

Re: Orbot

August 13 2008, 10:11 PM 

David, I ordered my Orbot on the 7th and like you I can't wait! I'm like a kid a Christmas. It's going to be a long months wait! Are you going to use yours for floor care as well as carpet? I'm hoping that it make a great duel purpose machine with the brushes that are available for it as I'm working with limited shop space at this time.

Brad Whiteman
EcoDry Carpet Cleaning

David Hebert

Re: Orbot

August 14 2008, 8:12 AM 

I will not be using the Orbot for hard floors as far as I can tell. We have a few machines dedicated for hard floors. I am leary about getting stripper goo on the new machine.
Nothing is concrete though, ten minutes after I get the machine I may need to use it for a strip job.


Re: Orbot

August 14 2008, 8:23 AM 

I've had my Orbot for about over a month and absolutly love it. We just finished a 42,000 + SF senior facilty and used the Cimex for the bulk of it but used the Orbot on plush inlays that were in bad shape and wanted to avoid swirl marks.The inlays were yellows, pinks etc at the end of hallways and middle or long corridors.This was my largest job my goal was 10,000 SF per evening beginning at 5pm. With 2 of us we finished in 3 nights, bit sore but nice income.

Current Topic - Orbot
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