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Cotton pads

September 5 2008 at 7:41 PM
Brad Whiteman  

Rick any chance you are going to be getting larger cotton pads for the 21" driver for the Orbot? I tried the 21" Galdiator pads on the driver and they barely fit to the edge of the driver.

Brad Whiteman
EcoDry Carpet Cleaning


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cotton pads

September 6 2008, 7:17 AM 

I will have to look into larger pads. I am honestly not aware of a larger pad or bonnet size than 21" But I'll explore what's available. Thank you for asking.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: Cotton pads

September 6 2008, 2:06 PM 

Alternatively, maybe a 19" or 20" pad driver could be made for the orbot. That would solve the problem.

Brad Whiteman

Re: Cotton pads

September 6 2008, 3:25 PM 

having looked over the design for the last few days I think a 19" driver would have been the better choice over the 21" in the first place. MHO

Brad Whiteman
EcoDry Carpet Cleaning


Re: Cotton pads

September 6 2008, 6:22 PM 

One of the first thing i did was to check ou t the 21 inch driver
my microfiber bonnets fit perfectly on the driver and so do my beige pads. Just the way I like it to be, at least with my rotary we shall see tomorow


Cotton pads

September 8 2008, 2:02 PM 

I think I'd check out the cotton pads manufactured by Zephyr Manufacturing In Sedalia, Mo. They are an all cotton bonnet/pad about 1 inch thick with a pile similiar to a shag carpet, not the thick looped style like the "King Cotton" from Wilen. They are very smooth running on my rotary and I have 2 or 3 that I think are 21 inch in diameter of these style bonnet/pads. They also offer the green stripe, thick looped blend bonnet, and microfiber pads. So far I really like there style of cotton pad and their mf(sent me a free sample to try), it is very different(less drag) than terry style cotton pads and glads. Best of luck

Current Topic - Cotton pads
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