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How do take Cimex apart

September 7 2008 at 8:26 PM

My Cimex just started leaking solution from the fitting that feeds to the pads. But I can't get to it so I'm wondering how to take the big blue part off. or the yellow housing off. I'm hoping this is an easy fix. When I pull the trigger solution spins off the top of the blue driver.


Joe DeSouza


September 7 2008, 10:48 PM 

I tried it once on my old 15" cimex - didnt get too far, you need special tools to get deep in there - I'm sure Rick will chime in and find a solution to your problem - don't break out the vice grips and hammer yet!!


Rick Lord


September 7 2008, 11:01 PM 

I've seen rick's response to this for years and have had the same problem. Basically you take an old spray bottle take the tube and cut approximately an inch off and put it inside the black portions one on the tube and the other in the machine end.Inside the brokrn black pieces.
At first I didn't like it as I'm anal about my Cimex and wanted it perfect. But Rick kinda convinced me that if you go to all the trouble to fix it it's probably just going to happen again eventually. Do a search that's a pretty common problem.
BTW the first spray bottle I used had a tube that was to small so you might have to check a couple bottles.


Re: Yikes

September 7 2008, 11:16 PM 

I don't think it is the nipple that is broken. The solution leaks between the the yellow hood and the blue driver


Re: Yikes

September 8 2008, 5:30 AM 

I wonder if the ports that allow the travel of the juice through the channels in the blue section are plugged. Check it, around the top perimeter of the blue base as the base is laying flat with brushes on the ground, you will see 3 platic plugs, remove and insert a small round rasp, coat hanger etc. to remove build up and blockage. Next tip the base up(brush drivers removed) and spray water from a garden hose into the brass ports (center) until water comes out ports. Re install plastic plugs.


Rick Gelinas

Cimex Plumbing

September 8 2008, 7:44 AM 

STOP. Before you go taking your Cimex apart. There's nothing wrong with the head of the machine.

When the Cimex starts juicing out from the blue drive deck, it's an indication that the head is plugged up. The drive deck (also called the bowl) fills up with solution and dispenses the juice to each pad driver. When you have a problem with detergent flowing out from over the top of the drive deck, it's because the solution ports are plugged up. The solution has no alternative but to back up and flow over the top of the drive deck.

Your Cimex Plumbing should be cleaned out on a regular basis.
Here is a PDF file showing how to do it.

You MUST clean your plumbing on a regular basis or else you will see a compromise in the performance of your Cimex.

In cases where there's an obstruction in the plumbing, which I'm guessing you may have in this instance, you may likely need to clean the plumbing a few times in succession to to dislodge whatever is backing up the solution.

Give it a good cleaning (or two or three) and you'll be back in business again

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Cimex Plumbing

September 8 2008, 11:18 AM 

We used to never clean ours out and never had a problem for say the first two years. I know try to clean it a little more often, because it stinks to get on a job and the thing not work right. Sometimes we blow it out with air and sometimes we have blown it out with the water pressure off the Butler.



September 8 2008, 1:51 PM 

Thanks for the info. I have never done this but but will from now on.

Current Topic - How do take Cimex apart
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