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First night with the Orbot

September 7 2008 at 11:34 PM

I did a small four thousand sq ft job to night

The machine is really smooth, Use the 17 inch drive with 19 inch scrub bonnets and a 20 inch beige pad.

Took me about two hours this included having to fill up a 5 gallon jug twice. The funny part is I thought it was taking for ever till I looked at the time.
This is much easier on my arm, and my son will have no problems with it.

Two minor glitches

The sprayer on the left side drips (shut off cures it when not in use) and I cannot get the darn jug out of the holder.

We have to large jobs tomorrow to give it a good work out.
So far I would not hesitate to recommend the machine, it,s built like a tank

Thomas Owens

Re: First night with the Orbot

September 8 2008, 4:59 AM 

Happy to hear you like the Orbot!

I know that you've always been a proponent of the 300rpm rotaries so hearing this from you really means something.


Re: First night with the Orbot

September 8 2008, 7:21 AM 

There were a few times I would have loved to whip out the rotary, but I wont get used to the new machine that way, each machine has it own way of working quirks if you will not using an OP machine ever means I need to learn it.

I noticed the Orbot is tougher on beige pads then my rotary again I am sure more learning of the machine is needed and probably put a glider under the machine or use more chemicals.

By m estimate I used between 10 to 13 gallons so I think we are in the ball park.
My arm feels great today!!!

I could listen to my football game with out cranking the sound up, the machine stands up when you need to leave it with out messing with the handle, very little vibration in the handle, put a water bottle holder on it for my Ice Tea and Id be psyched.

One of the reason I bought the Orbot is due to the uniquenes of the machines looks, my thinking was once a prospect seen this machine in action they already are thinking we are on the cutting edge.

Friday I showed it to one of my University clients (we do in house training for them) I thought we was not going to give it back to me


Rick Gelinas

Re: First night with the Orbot

September 8 2008, 6:07 PM 


An OP will wear out the FiberPlus pads faster than on a rotary or a Cimex machine.
You might try using a thin glider under the FiberPlus pads.
That should help to reduce the drag on the FiberPlus pads.

Glad to hear that you enjoyed your new Orbot.
It's pretty cool isn't it?

Rick Gelinas



September 8 2008, 7:10 PM 

Rick would the Encap bonnets from Tuway work better?
can the be used with DS and preform ok


Rick Gelinas

Re: Tuways

September 8 2008, 11:34 PM 

Tuways run very nicely under an OP machine!!!

Rick Gelinas



September 8 2008, 11:59 PM 

I love the tu-ways they're great for edges plus they do an exceptional job. I use them when i'm rushing to get a job done. They glide just as if you had a glider on.

Speaking of glider, Rick do you have gliders available? I need to replace my lost thin white one.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Glider

September 9 2008, 6:22 AM 

We have gliders.

Operators are standing by.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: Glider

September 9 2008, 5:37 PM 

Just so I understand this correctly, the tuways under an OP machine will provide the necessary agitation for cleaning?

So if you were doing commercial glue down, would the results be as good as using fiber plus pads?

It just seems like the agitation won't be as aggressive, but I'd like to hear what people who have done it have to say.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Glider

September 9 2008, 9:32 PM 

You will achieve more agitation with the FiberPlus pads. They're perfect in an "encap only" scrubbing mode on commercial carpets. For bonnet cleaning, the Tuways are excellent to use for an OP cleaning pad. And the Monarch microfiber bonnets are the best choice for softer fiber such as soft residential carpets.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - First night with the Orbot
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