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Brochure vs Flyer

September 11 2008 at 3:04 PM

How many are you guys are using "brochures" based on the CMS Marketing System versus the "flyers" provided within the system?

I'm thinking brochures will yield a greater result versus flyers, but I'm a newbie.

What are your thoughts and experience?

Thomas Owens

Re: Brochure vs Flyer

September 11 2008, 3:35 PM 

Personally, I don't think it matters either way too much. The flyer or brochure is just a small part of the whole selling process.

The flyers that Rick has put together look so great. Just get them printed on a thick, high quality glossy paper and people will be impressed.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Brochure vs Flyer

September 11 2008, 3:52 PM 

Our experience testing different marketing materials indicates that a good 3-fold brochure is generally received well by the prospect. Prospects will often take a quick look at the brochure, and they may even stuff it into a drawer to consider at a later time. Of course that later time may never occur.

On the other hand, flyers that have a strong message along with good graphics will be seen and absorbed right away by the prospect. Flyers appear to make a more immediate impact on the prospect. While flyers may not have as much retention (i.e. let's shove it into a drawer and look at it later), they typically outsell 3-fold brochures. Experience has shown that people respond in a more more immediate way to professional looking full color flyers than to 3-fold brochures.

P.S. As Thomas mentioned, print them on heavy stock in full color. A color copy center can pull that off for you very nicely! And shop around, prices for color printing vary considerably.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Brochure vs Flyer

September 11 2008, 6:40 PM 

I have always done better with sales letters with an offer that they would be down rite ignorant to pass up if they need cleaning.

The letter usually is two pages long


Paper Weight (Attn Rick G & Thomas Owens)

September 11 2008, 8:17 PM 

Thanks for your feedback!!

What paper weight do you recommend?

I found a website that prints 1000 glossy, book page thickness, color flyers for $89 + S&H, however, I am considering purchasing a laser printer so I can control the number of pages I print.

I currently have an injet, but want the laser for flyer and brochure printing.

What are you thoughts?

This message has been edited by blewis78 on Sep 11, 2008 8:17 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Paper Weight (Attn Rick G & Thomas Owens)

September 11 2008, 9:19 PM 

Laser printers won't produce high grade results. Even the best color laser falls far short of what a professional printer can produce. Plus the cost per page with a laser printer will kill you. Color toner and print drums will eat you alive if you're printing anything more than a very short run. Laser printers are only practical for very light usage. I have two color laser printers, and I use them as little as possible.

Here's what we print our flyers on...
Heavy weight paper stock: 100 Lb. Gloss Text

By the way, $89 for 1,000 color copies is an excellent price.
Where are you getting that price from?

Rick Gelinas


Online Printshop

September 11 2008, 10:13 PM 

Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!!

I got the quote from an online service provider named Got Print. They also did my business cards.

The $89 is for flyers with glossy book paper. The glossy cover paper is more expensive.

Here's a link:

This message has been edited by blewis78 on Sep 11, 2008 10:22 PM
This message has been edited by blewis78 on Sep 11, 2008 10:20 PM
This message has been edited by blewis78 on Sep 11, 2008 10:14 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Online Printshop

September 11 2008, 10:44 PM 

Lewis thanks for the lead on GotPrint.
I'll have to check them out.
Nice prices!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Online Printshop

September 12 2008, 6:26 AM 

We use a Xerox Phasor 8560 to do most of our printer
It uses solid ink technology the quality is amazing, the price would be similar. There are times we farm stuff out expecially if we are doing a mailing. Many places print and mail every thing out for you the cost is not that much plus you are saving time and that is a biggie

Current Topic - Brochure vs Flyer
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