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Encap procedures

September 11 2008 at 6:27 PM

Ok, looks like we are going to be switching over to realeasit after the intial gallon testing as well as thier pads and bonnets. Here is a quick question.

What is the system procedure with the chems?

1. Prespray with encap punch
2. Clean with either releasit or releasit dc

Just not sure if we really need punch, realeasit works so well alone, but I want to make sure my crews have what they need just in case. Any answers much appreciated.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encap procedures

September 11 2008, 6:42 PM 

You can use Releasit ENCAP-CLEAN or ENCAP-CLEAN DS with or without ENCAP-PUNCH.

Encap-Punch is an encapsulation pre-spray. Encap-Punch can be used in front of Encap-Clean or Encap-Clean DS. It can also be used as a pre-spray for hot water extraction cleaning.

Encap-Punch also performs very well as an encapsulating hot water extraction detergent. And it can also be used for encap bonnet cleaning. So Encap-Punch covers a lot of territory. It's an encap pre-spray, an encap HWE detergent, and an encap bonnet/pad cleaner. Encap-Punch is three encap products in one.

However, as you observed, Encap-Clean and Encap-Clean DS perform pretty well all by themselves. There really isn't too much need for a pre-spray 99% of the time. The only time you might find a need to use Encap-Punch in front of Encap-Clean is where the carpet is heavily soiled. Using Encap-Punch in conjunction with Encap-Clean will help you to clean a heavily soiled carpet quicker.

Encap-Punch is a true crystallizing encapsulation product. As with all Releasit detergents, Encap-Punch is LOADED WITH POLYMER. Releasit's polymeric detergents crystallize beautifully when they dry. It's the polymer in Releasit that draws the soil. Releasit's high polymer content enables our detergents to achieve the cleaning results you're seeing. And it helps the carpet resist resoiling too.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 11, 2008 6:45 PM


Re: Encap procedures

September 12 2008, 3:44 PM 

Great, thats exactly what I needed to know. Thanks Rick.


Re: Encap procedures

September 13 2008, 5:18 PM 

Matt, we like to run our Cimex at 4 oz per gal of DS and 1 oz per gal Punch in the Cimex tank. We rarely prespray, and get very good results.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


Re: Encap procedures

September 13 2008, 9:30 PM 

Thanks Kevin. We dont use a cimex (YET) but we run 17" and 20" rotary with poly tanks and shower feed with bonnets. I think we are pretty much switching over to encap clean and punch and the bonnets Rick offers. Thanks for the tip.

Current Topic - Encap procedures
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS