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One more reason to LOVE the Cimex, Orbot, Etc...

September 14 2008 at 8:27 AM

Rick Gelinas  

Joe M


September 14 2008, 9:09 AM 

Its nothing more then a scam. These guys need to be taken to task on this.

Geoff Dunlap

RE: sad

September 14 2008, 10:56 PM 

I live approximately 1 mile from the pilot station in this picture (knoxville, tn) and it is total BS. Here's the story of gas in Knoxville. The gas prices here are set by Pilot and Weigels convenience stores and everyone follows their lead at a penny or two higher. As if the price gouging from the hurricane wasn't bad enough Pilot and Weigels in Knoxville decided to mark up their gas in Knoxville an extra .50 cents because the University of Tennessee had a home game this weekend. I drove to Sevierville which is about 20 miles from Knoxville and once outside the Knoxville city limits sure enough I passed 2 weigels and 2 Pilot stations and both were at $4.49 for regular. Isn't there a law agaist this kind of crap? It seems for the last few month's everyone (save for Rick)is trying everyway they can to put the screws to the common man and using gas prices as an excuse and it's only going to get worse after this huge spike. Even before Ike oil had dropped approximately 35% from it's peak but gas at the pump was only down about 10%-15%. It just doesn't add up. What happened to being a good American and lending a helping hand to those in need. GREED GREED GREED this country needs a huge attitude adjustment.


Joe M


September 15 2008, 8:33 AM 

For the most part those days are gone. Now its only how can I make a $

Whats funny is everyone blamed the cost of food going up due to the price of oil (remember a few months back, say in May).

OK so oil started to go down, its now at 97 (today) a barell, I have yet to see the price of food drop one penny.

Drudge report says yesterday that there was no damage to any oil pipeline in TX due to the storm but yesterday MSN said everything was wiped out. Go figure?

So now oil is down and so shoud food and gas prices?

I am gonna sit in my house and wait for milk to drop from 4.05 a gal to 3.00


Joel Riggs

Re: Lost

September 15 2008, 4:18 PM 

That is one of my two favorite things about the cimex.
I love pulling up to a job. Pre vacuming And then getting Cimex and cleaning carpet 5 minutes later. Not vacuuming then pulling 200 feet of solution hose then pulling 200 feet of vacuum hose. then starting up the truck mount and then pre spraying and then finally start cleaning carpet. and best of all ending up withe better final results!!!!!
Did 2000 sf last night in 90 minutes. made $320

Current Topic - One more reason to LOVE the Cimex, Orbot, Etc...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS