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Brushes or Power cord?

September 21 2008 at 1:43 AM

There are commercial electricians, residential ones, auto electricians so on and so forth.
I dred having to have someone look into my Cimex motor cause i don't know jack about electrical. However my Mex bogged down on me today. It started out ok. But then it started to bog. Today I would let the handle go and the planatary head would stop. Then after 15 minutes it was strong again.

I'm puzzled, I just replaced the belt on it. I know one electrician but he does residentials and comercial. Never new him to work on machines.

Could there be brushes that need to be replaced? Could the Original Cimex cord be causing it to lose power? This is uncool, I'm no longer capable of carrying out my whole-clean service.b

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Brushes or Power cord?

September 21 2008, 9:22 AM 

The power cord could be shorting out. It is not uncommon for the cord to get a kink in it, creating a break in the wire, which permits a short or drop in power. This can result in a motor not performing properly or not running at all. So the first thing I would look at would be the cord. You might want to consider a Kodiak Cord which is a heavy-duty replacement cord. That should get you back in business again...

Now when it comes to getting your Cimex serviced, locate an ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR shop in your area. Every town in the country has electric motor repair shops (you can find them in the Yellow Pages). These guys are in the business of troubleshooting and bench-testing motors all day long. They work on industrial motors just like what's in your Cimex. So I recommend getting into a relationship with a local motor repair shop so that they can service any piece of electrical equipment you may ever need to get worked on.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Brushes or Power cord?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS