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Commercial Vacuums

September 24 2008 at 6:44 PM
chris augusto 

Could someone recommend a vacuum/vacuums for large area commercial cleaning. Recently had the opportunity to encap a few larger movie theaters and need to purchase a quality vacuum that will efficiently clean before encapping. Standard size vacuums just not economical.


Dream Carpets, Inc

Thomas Owens

Re: Commercial Vacuums

September 24 2008, 7:31 PM 

For large area vacuums, you have 2 options.

1) Wide area vacs like Windsor Wave, Kent Champion, and a whole bunch of others like them that are virtually identical. New cost around $2,000. These vacs weigh around 100 lbs. If you are doing wide open areas, they are great. They are well built and parts, though costly, are available. Bags cost a bit more as well.

2) Hoover Conquest c1820. This is basically 2 c1800's stuck together. The result is the same width cleaning path (28") as the other wide area vacuums, but is much easier to maneuver and weighs only 50 lbs. Plus, replacement parts are easy to come by and are very economical. Down side is that this particular model is discontinued, but can be found on the net. The price is around $1,000 new.

I have both a Windsor Wave and Conquest c1820. The Hoover is just easier to use, transport and store. Plus, it may actually do a better job as well. The Hoover also has edge cleaning on both sides, while the other wide area vacuums have a 1" to 2" gap on both sides.

The one upside of the Windsor Wave is that you can buy cheap dome HEPA filters for the vac motors, so filtration can be better than the Hoover. I use the Hoover with a cloth outer bag, and micro-filtration paper bags inside. Not bad filtration, but not quite HEPA.

chris augusto

Re: Commercial Vacuums

September 25 2008, 4:23 PM 

Thanks for the Info!!!!!

Current Topic - Commercial Vacuums
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