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haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 24 2008 at 8:14 PM
Bill Youmans 

just finished a job for one of my monthly comm accounts and as I was leaving a dentist from the office below came up and asked me to look at his office. Some carpet, 14 chairs thats no prob. But he also has quite a bit of hardwood floors that he wants recoated. My question is, do I have to scratch the surface of the floor for the recoat to stick. It didnt seem like it had any right now, so can I just clean it up and apply like you would wax to the floor.

Also, tile & grout, looks to be in pretty good shape, I was just going to use either my cimex or challenger then just wet vac and rinse. Do you feel I get satisfactory results.

Bill Y


Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 24 2008, 10:42 PM 

The hardwood floors have to scuffed up and vacuumed before a new coating can be applied.



Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 24 2008, 10:44 PM 

The hardwood floors have to scuffed up and vacuumed before a new coating can be applied.


Kevin Jones

Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 26 2008, 9:25 AM 

Why don't you contact someone who is more familiar with hardwood floors and sub it out or just refer the dentist to 'em.
You should be able to do a good job using the cimex with nylon brushes and an appropriate tile cleaner on the tile and grout.

Bill Youmans

Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 26 2008, 9:47 PM 

hey kevin,
well the hardwood floors are really just in need of a good re-coat. If they were in need of sanding, I totally agree, sub it out, its a major job to do that and takes days. But a re-coat is really pretty easy job, quick, great results and a good money maker.

I am hoping to use the cimex for the tile & grout, but have not done one yet. Have you? How wereyour results? What cleaners, sealers did you use?

Thanks for the feedback.

Bill Y

Kevin Jones

Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 29 2008, 8:49 AM 


I have to admit I don't know what Rick has in the way of tile/grout cleaning equipment. In the past, I used Bridgepoint's Viper Venom and/or Viper Renew along with Spinergy 7 to neutralize. I would use the Cimex with the soft Nylon brushes for any extra agitation with a hand held brush to scrub the grout lines near the walls, etc. I would then use the SX 12 with my truckmount afterwards.
For hardwood, well, I haven't done any of that. Any distributor has various hardwood products. Check with them.

Anything you would recommend for the tile/grout?


Re: haqrdwood floors & tile/grout

September 30 2008, 10:13 PM 

Current Topic - haqrdwood floors & tile/grout
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