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New kodiak Cord

October 7 2008 at 7:55 PM

Hey Rick,

I just looked at my New Kodiak Cord and looked at my Cimex "WHERE THE CORD GOES INTO THE HANDLE" there is a black support (i guess oyou can call it) that screws into the handle. It doesn't look like it can fit around the the kodiak. Any suggestions?

I was actually looking for the post where Shorty posted a photo of his Cimex owith a piggy tail. Couldn't find it.

Is there any benefits to the piggy tail without drawbacks

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Rick Gelinas

Re: New kodiak Cord

October 7 2008, 9:30 PM 


It'll go in there - be persistent.

Your new cord will serve you well!

Rick Gelinas


This what yer lookin' for ??

October 8 2008, 3:38 AM 



The red plastic hood simply holds the cable together and stops it being pulled apart, as well as adding extra protection when it is raining by not getting the terminals wet.




I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: This what yer lookin' for ??

October 8 2008, 12:58 PM 

Thanks Shorty,

I thought the red plastic was a multi-plug outlet of some sort. With additional uses.

I guess its so you don't need to wind cord around the Cimex.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!



October 8 2008, 1:06 PM 

Shorty where did get them wheels at , did you have to drill out for the axel?

Carpet Cleaning Wilson North Carolina


Wheelie Gentlemen, it's elementary.

October 8 2008, 3:48 PM 

You people have different terminologies to us down underers, so I'll try & make it easy so that you can understand, especially those southern pig farmers

If you play golf, those little carts that carry the bag that you put your clubs/sticks in, well, they roll around on large wheels.

You can use these large wheels.

Also, if you go to a medical suply store that sell wheel chairs, the one's that are motorised, that is, these are also suitable.

The wheels that are about the same size as what I am using will work.

You DO NOT want hard rubber wheels.

You want the inflatable type, but you only half inflate them.

This allows give in the tyres/tires as they move over the combing/bullnose/edge of step.

********************* BEFORE YOU BUY *******************

Measure the diameter of the axle on the Cimex.

Measure the inner hub of the wheel, if it is slightly smaller than the axle, that is good.

Take the wheels to a machine shop and get them the ream/drill the hub out to 1/1000 bigger than the axle.

Remove old wheels & fit new bigger wheels.

These stay on permanently.

Take Cimex to a building with stairs that are at least three flights/stories high & proceed to the top floor.

See how easy it is to roll the 'Mex; up the stairs and make more money

An added benefit of leaving these wheels on full time is the ease with which the 'Mex; now works in close quarters, ie; walk in robes/closets, etc;

*************** NOTE ****************

I tried the axle through the rim with big wheels ONCE, as has been shown here before.

When I got to where I wanted to go, the top floor, and went to let the front of the Cimex down to the floor, the weight suddenly dropped the head onto the floor.

Luckily, I did not chip or damage any floor tiles, but I could have.

The axle was taken off there and then, that is when I looked at my problem in a different manner with a spanner/wrench

Hope this is of some help, mine have been on now for a flamin' long time will only come off when they need a retread.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Re: This what yer lookin' for ??

October 8 2008, 3:49 PM 

wow! Pimp my cimex!!!!


Sorry Alex

October 8 2008, 4:07 PM 

I did not reply to part of your question.

To a point, I cut off my power lead/cable and shortened it as you can see, to save wrapping the cable onto the "Mex;

My main reason is this:

I do a lot of carpeted landings in condominiums/high rise office buildings.

Some of these may only be fifteen to twenty feet long, up to as long as your imagination wants to be

Why have fifty feet of cable on the floor that you ae kicking out of the way all the time, when you can get away with a ten foot extension lead ??

When we do ten or fifteen floors like this, we set up a system.

Delia starts at the top, vacumming each level until she gets to the basement where my van is.

She will put the vac; away & get out a pump sprayer and the edge tool/triangular brush.

She then goes to the top again, doing the edges until she catches up to me, which will be pretty dang near close to the ground floor.

This way we can go through a lot of levels without continually winding up and unwinding long lengths of cable which can be very time consuming.

We suss out/think about every job and how it will best be done before we start on it.

Once we have a system that works well for us, we stick to it unless we can see a better way of doing it as we go along.

Having different lengths of cable/extension leads, makes a lot of jobs so much easier.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.


Kodiak Cord Installed

October 9 2008, 6:10 AM 

Thats awesome Shorty!

I just finish installing my Kodiak 10 minutes ago. Fired up the Mex to be sure it wasn't gonna fry.
My first job will be in about 5 hrs. with the new cord. I actually like the cord and haven't even used it yet. It looks good, it feels light to be such a thick cord.

By the way if the cimex cord it 12 guage and the Kodiak is 14 Guage shouldn't Kodiak be thinner? I thought thats how it worked. The higher the number the smaller the cord.

At any rate I'm glad i have the koidiak.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Current Topic - New kodiak Cord
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS