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Minimum Charge?

October 8 2008 at 8:04 AM

Joe DeSouza  

Just trying to get a feel of what you guys might be charging for a minimum?

RESIDENTIAL: I'm at $98, for that you will get 250 sqft of cleaning (not including protectant, etc., just cleaning), $125 if I have to go portable for high rises, etc.

COMMERCIAL: $150, how much they get depends (It almost always exceeds that anyways)

I'm thinking of going to $119 or $125 for residential, and giving 275 feet of cleaning. ($149 for high rises)...$175 for commercial...

My logic is that i'm getting a lot of calls for "1 room only", and zipping back and forth all day doing these little jobs is just wearing me out with set up times and wasting a lot of gas...even though cleaning one room for $98 isnt that bad, really, LOL!

Maybe i'm wrong...I appreciate any suggestions...



Re: Minimum Charge?

October 8 2008, 10:40 AM 



Bring them on

October 8 2008, 12:08 PM 

$89.95 incls. 1 room not more than 150 sq. ft. People have budgets, We can do 7 or 8 a day. We never turn them down and when we get on the job we just about always end up with a larger job. Of course most all of work now is 5 to 10 miles from the shop.


Re: Bring them on

October 8 2008, 5:32 PM 

$125.00 for Resi/ $150.00 for Comm.


Kevin Pearson

Re: Bring them on

October 8 2008, 6:08 PM 

Our minimum is $125.00. We don't make a distinction on minimums for commercial vs. residential. I am a simple person and the simpler the pricing is, the happier I am.


This one is Certified "Hard Hat Free" by OSHA

October 8 2008, 8:55 PM 

We have a CCer in my area who raised his minimum to $145.00 He is about to go under. He has a new vehicle and new direct drive unit with very high payment. He has been listening to all the Gurus about raising his price. Bad advice IMHO, Go figure. It is helping my business, but I do not want to see him fail. Did I mention he is also very hard headed?

This message has been edited by raymoody on Oct 8, 2008 8:59 PM


HUH ???

October 9 2008, 2:26 AM 

Rambo, just out of interest, what was this blokes previous minimum charge before going to new heights ??

A lot of people seem to think that you can raise your prices astronomicaly and get away with it.

But you have to be realistic.

I prefer to raise my prices several times a year to keep in touch with inflation, cost of living, expenses, etc; rather than 10% or whatever every twelve months.

Sure you can hit them with a 10% increase, and sometimes it will work.

You lose deadwood that was not worth the time doing, and you end up sometimes making the same amount of profit with a lot less effort and expense.

Other times, it may not work and you find that you have lost good customers.

I also like to listen to my customers and look around to see how they are doing.

Not everyone has plenty of cash laying around, and just because they may live in a mansion and drive a Mercedes or Beemer, doesn't mean that they don't have a big financial burden to pay each month.

These are the ones that try to screw you down to the last cent, and then whinge so that they can save more money if the cleaner has a soft heart or is a sucker for a sob story.

I feel that for the above reasons, I do prefer to do business with a business man or woeman for commercial premises where expectations can be sorted out and met prior to work being undertaken.

My zacs worth.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - Minimum Charge?
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