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Hey, want a cheap holiday in Australia ?????

October 8 2008 at 7:58 PM

Starting a couple of days ago, a new series of ads promoting holidays down under in AUSTRALIA were released.

These will be excerpts from the new movie, yet to be released, called AUSTRALIA.

Right now, the Aussie dollar is at .66cents to the yankee greenback.

This means excellent returns for your dollar.

This will make your trip that much cheaper to pay for.

While I was over there for Connections, so many of you said how you would "really like to visit down under one day"

Well, this is going to be one of the best times to do so.

Climate is perfect this time of the year, little rain, yet not hot either.

With the Oz dollar at an all time low, makes this time to visit even better.

So pull yer fingers out and treat the missus and ankle biters to a trip down under, a one in a lifetime adventure.

You can fly from most anywhere in the 'states to any of the major cities on the east coast of Oz.

If you want to visit the Great Barrier Reef, I would suggest Continental, via Honolulu and Guam.

Otherwise Qantas or any of the other fine airlines flying into Brisbane, Sydney or Melbourne.



PS :::::: If our dollar keeps dropping like flies, I may have to consider moving to Florida where there would be little opposition for a shortman of my talents

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Oct 8, 2008 8:00 PM


Shorty Down in Florida.................

October 8 2008, 8:41 PM 

You would do well my friend. You accent alone would get you 40% of your new business. Thank God your not comming to Georgia to set up. I don't think this state could handle two short guys with our talents.



October 13 2008, 6:54 AM 

Sorry Rambo...................

I have a mortal fear of being PIGNAPPED by some swine down in that neck of the woods

The Oz dollar is down to .65 cents to the greenback tonight, so I may not even be able to afford to go to Green Island for the week-end



OOOPS !!!!!!!!! Yer in Georgia, not BAMA

That's a different story, I get on well with Ruskies

We both like Wootka

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Current Topic - Hey, want a cheap holiday in Australia ?????
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