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Wool Area Rugs

October 9 2008 at 5:48 AM

Someone share with me how to OP wool area rugs, please. I plan on using Releaseit DS, and either microfibre pad or glad pad. Suggestions, Tips.


Baabaaraas pulling wool over yer eyes

October 9 2008, 6:00 AM 

Vacuum, vacuum and vacuum again to get as much loose sediment as possible out of the rug.

Here's a well known rug secret.

Depending on it's size, if you can suspend it over a metal rack of some sort, lay the rug face down on this racking.

Old wire bed frames are good for the smaller rugs.

This allows the loose sediment to drop onto the deck as you go over the back of the rug.

A vacuum with a beater brush is essential for this step.

You then flip the rug over, ONTO A CLEAN DECK and vacuum the face fibres.

Depending on the construction would depend on whether you use a brush or pads.

I always used to clean mine with a brush on the 'Mex; using Releasit DS.

Although at times I have also used Rick's pads.

I never had the luxury of micro fibre bonnets back then

Again, I would always go around the perimeter of the rug first, then do the main body.

Groom the lay of the pile while still damp.

Air assist to dry quickly.

It also does not hurt to vacuum the rug again when it is dry to get those last bits out that are encapsulated.

This can sav the embarassment of flipping a cloud of dust out onto your customers floor when you deliver it.

Hope this helps.


I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Oct 9, 2008 6:04 AM


Re: Baabaaraas pulling wool over yer eyes

October 9 2008, 6:21 AM 

I'm glad you asked that question. I have a 15x12 wool rug to do as soon as the lady call me. However, off the top of my head i think i recall advice stating op is dangerous for the wool rug. And that you can't go wrong with the Mex.

I basically will be cleaning my first wool and isn't sure the going rate for doing them. I believe that its higher then normal. The greater the risk the higher the rate. Maybe i'll find in a search.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Kevin Pearson

Re: Baabaaraas pulling wool over yer eyes

October 9 2008, 7:49 AM 

Shorty has good advice. There is only a few things I would add to what he said. We use pads on almost all our rugs in our rug plant. I have brushes but the pads really work well, just keep them wet.

Also, you really need to clean rugs in your shop or garage. Testing the colors before starting to clean a rug is essential, especially if you have never cleaned rugs before or don't clean many. When we colorfast test we use a white paper towel with the detergent of choice (usually releasit) on the towel and then place it on the rug and put a jug of releasit on top of it. (see picture below) Once you set the jug on top of the paper towel DO NOT pick up the jug until the paper towel is dry. If you pick it up then the test MUST start over. We usually leave ours testing over night and then the next day we can come in and clean.

What you will find is that a lot of rugs bleed. The bad bleeders we will either use dye lock or just Cimex them and dry quickly. One that bleeds a little or not at all we will wash them. Sometimes we have to even wash the bad bleeders but that is a whole other discussion.

By the way, the rug below is a Pakitani Bokhara, pretty common rug.

Current Topic - Wool Area Rugs
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS