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best absorbant pads?

October 13 2008 at 1:10 PM
Bill Youmans 

Whats the best pad I can use for pad-capping. I like thick pads that I can wring out and use over a couple a times per job and won't tear up.

Bill Y

Grant D

Re: best absorbant pads?

October 13 2008, 2:36 PM 

Bill, for that use I'd say you could easily go with the microfiber pads. Get a mop bucket with it to rinse and wring them out and you can keep using the same pads. With a cheap mop bucket you'll have to dump and refill after a couple of uses, with a high end one you can find a separated one with the clean water on one side and dirty on the other.

I prefer using gladiator pads 95% of the time, but for the situation you describe I think this would suit you better.


Re: best absorbant pads?

October 14 2008, 9:08 AM 

The Monarch Microfiber pads are great if you are looking to reuse the same pad over and over! You can do a whole job with just a few Monarch pads!

your Ecxellent Supplier

Bill Youmans

Re: best absorbant pads?

October 14 2008, 1:23 PM 

will the mircrofiber pads absorb soils in the carpet?


Rick Gelinas

Monarch Microfiber Bonnets - Why they are so good.

October 15 2008, 8:38 AM 

Microfiber has a unique surface to the fiber. It is an extruded man-made fiber that loosely resembles an asterisk * . Each of the indented chambers in each strand of fiber has the potential to capture and trap soil.

By comparison, traditional synthetic fibers or even cotton all have fairly smooth surfaces to their fiber. So typical bonnet fibers are somewhat limited in how much soil they can pull from the carpet.

Microfiber is a revolutionary fiber because of it's unique ability to grab soil in the multiple chambers of the fiber. It also rinses more easily so the bonnets stay cleaner longer than typical bonnets.

Microfiber is also more gentle to the carpet fiber than traditional bonnet material such as cotton. So if you're cleaning a delicate piece, Microfiber is an obvious choice. Of course you will need to keep the bonnet lubricated, avoid standing in one place with the machine running, and use common sense, as you would with any bonnet.

Our Monarch microfiber bonnets are built to last. The denier of our yarn is built tough. And our prices on the Monarch bonnets are priced right too. We looked long and hard for the best Microfiber bonnet we could attain. And we feel the Monarch bonnets are an example of the best the market has to bear.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - best absorbant pads?
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