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October 15 2008 at 6:02 PM

Has anyone tried the Hydrox yet? I just got a contract that sounds like this may be the product for it. Call center with lots of food stains and brown traffic lanes. I'm sure the brown traffic lanes is just worn carpet but the carpet is blue so who knows. Employees come straight from an asphalt parking lot so that me be a contributing factor.


Rick Gelinas

Re: hydrox?

October 15 2008, 6:49 PM 

Call center.

Food stains (no doubt drink spills).

Browning traffic lanes extending from an asphalt parking lot.

Call centers are pigsties! They are despicable! Public restrooms are normally more sanitary!

What you have here is an environment of some of the sloppiest people on the planet. The asphalt and tracking that is turning the carpet brown will clean up perfectly using Encap-Clean DS. And treating the spill stains with the normal trick for recurring spill stains will work perfectly on this one too.

Here's a link to the instructions for handling recurring spill stains...!

Rick Gelinas


Re: hydrox?

October 15 2008, 7:59 PM 

I have used this product for several weeks with res cut pile and love it. I've been boosting the ds for several years now with outstanding results. Now it's all in one bottle and I love it. Just did a job today with wicking from water damage and a lot of other stains and it looked brand new and cust. didn't have to replace carpet. So many benifits don't have time to list.

Thanks Rick


Re: hydrox?

October 15 2008, 9:46 PM 

I have doen a few call centers with DS and it will knock them out in a flash. It really disturbed my client how clean it came. They had allready had an HWE guy show up and wet the carpet and not clean anything. Second HWE took payment and never showed up. (I didnt bother to ask how they got swindled into prepaying the carpet guy). When I got therem their specific instructions were, " we really arn't expecting everything to come out. we just need it to look better so that our employees know we are trying to make things better here." They were shocked that the only thing that didn't come out was two pieces of gum. (I ran out of my hel-gel the day before. had to go back later and clean those.)

So DS will knock that job out no problem.


Kevin Pearson

Re: hydrox?

October 17 2008, 6:24 AM 

Gum usually comes out with Releasit DS mixed 50/50 in a spray bottle and a scraper / gum getter tool. It's not ideal but it does work.

Current Topic - hydrox?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS