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Anyone put larger wheels on their 15" Challenger?

October 19 2008 at 3:26 PM

i am looking to make my 15" Challenger have the wheels touch the ground while cleaning, like my Cimex.

has any1 done this? or is it not possible?

thanx for any help --- Derek.


Can it be done ?? Yes........

October 20 2008, 4:01 AM 

Not as simple as just putting on larger wheels.

The wheels on the Challenger are fixed to the plate and meant to ride above the carpet, not on it, when it is operating.

They are merely for transportation.

To allow the wheels to ride on the floor, the plate would have to be fully floating.

IE; another framework would need to be installed similar to a Cimex to allow the wheels to sit on the floor while the plate or drive head finds its own level to work on.

If you simply put bigger wheels on the Challenger as it is, the drive head would not rest flat on the carpet, moreso, it would be at an angle that could damage the carpet and make the Challenger impossible to use.

Anyhow, that's my take with a down under view.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Grant D

Re: Can it be done ?? Yes........

October 20 2008, 5:29 PM 

Shorty, your comments are interesting when one looks at the Challenger Max. This machine is meant to be a wheels on the ground machine, and yet the wheels are fixed to the plate so the motor/base is not floating freely. It has 3 settings to adjust the wheels more up or down, but this requires carrying a wrench set around with you to find the best setting for each carpet/pad you use.



October 20 2008, 5:59 PM 

Maybe I was looking at the WRONG CHALLENGER

Alright, Okay, I admit it.

I may not always be right,

But I am never wrong.

However, sometimes even I make mistakes



PS ::: Who is Max ? ? ?

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Grant D

Re: OOoooooooppssssssssssss

October 20 2008, 9:04 PM 

Actually Shorty, you may be right to some extent...

It's not always easy to get a smooth ride with the Max, and I'm finding I have to carry a wrench set with me to adjust the wheels from time to time. The reason you cite is the likely cause.

Current Topic - Anyone put larger wheels on their 15" Challenger?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS