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Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?

October 26 2008 at 4:52 PM

if you are using a Spray-Borg on resi, please tell me what cleaning solution you are using that doesn't need dwell time.

cause anything i use on resi carpet (Punch or UR-Out), needs dwell time. so i reckon i will still be using the MultiSprayer for resi and the Spray-Borg w/ encap on CGD.

is that what you Spray-Borg users are doing?

tx --- Derek.

Thomas Owens

Re: Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?

October 26 2008, 7:10 PM 

Good point.

I was thinking of using a tuway bonnet first, so it's just working the prespray into the carpet versus absorbing it.

Then after a little dwell, come back over with pads.


Re: Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?

October 26 2008, 11:37 PM 


Maybe I'm wrong. But didn't you mean the reverse order? Fiber plus pad to agitate Punch into carpet and come back with tu-way to absorb.

With the interchangable sol tanks I would think you can fill one with punch, prespray & scrub with fiber Plus pad. Then swap the punch tank/fiber plus pad for the Hydrox tank/cotton bonnet.

Thats one of the things I like about the orbot, the interchangable sol tanks. Kinda remind me of the Multi Sprayer.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Thomas Owens

Re: Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?

October 27 2008, 4:38 AM 

Actually, I was saying the tuways first, since they are synthetic and do not absorb much, then finish off with a cotton/glad pad(not fiber plus pad). Since we are talking residential here, not sure if fiber plus on the Orbot would be a good idea.

By the way, are you able to take the solution bottles off the Orbot without much difficulty?


Re: Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?

October 27 2008, 7:15 AM 

I use DFC 105 from Chemspec and microfiber bonnets, have also used DS with good results the same way.

I like DFC 105, it is CRI certified and has little to no odor which many people like. You can add Odorcide or another deodorizer with it easily.


Del Scrivner

Hydrox & Punch

October 27 2008, 3:21 PM 

Rick correct me if I am wrong but...

Hydrox and Punch and/or DS SHOULD NOT be used together due to different polymer encapsualtes?

Make you own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox & Punch

October 27 2008, 4:03 PM 

Crystalon3 - the polymer in Encap-Clean, Encap-Punch, and Encap-Spot is not compatible with hydrogen peroxide.

The polymer that's in Encap-HydrOx is a newly developed, unique, polymer that is compatible with hydrogen peroxide.

Encap-Clean, Encap-Punch, and Encap-Spot are all compatible. They can be used interchangeably together.

Encap-HydrOx should not be interchanged with the Encap-Clean, Encap-Punch, or Encap-Spot. Using Encap-HydrOx with these products could compromise their polymer.

Rick Gelinas


No Orbot

October 27 2008, 7:09 PM 

I was actually using my rabbit size imagination cause i don't own an Orbot. Hoping one day I will. Just drooling til then. It seems as though interchanging tanks would be something that is designed to save time. It would be nice.

I figure since Punch is a hwe, pre-spray, and bonnet it wouldn't matter coming behind with the Hydrox that will encapsulate since its perfectly compatible with the peroxide.

At any rate before Rick revealed this to us the first time, I had already added punch to my 10oz. of hydrox/gallon to clean my new account(small). Came out awesome!

This place deals with water all day and spills water on the carpet. It hadn't been clean for a while. Water stains something terrible.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

This message has been edited by theservant on Oct 27, 2008 7:11 PM
This message has been edited by theservant on Oct 27, 2008 7:09 PM


will it work with soileze protector

October 27 2008, 9:01 PM 

Will Hydrox work with soileze protector?


Rick Gelinas

Re: will it work with soileze protector

October 27 2008, 10:16 PM 

Yes, Encap-HydrOx is completely compatible with Soileze. There's actually some Soileze included right in the HydrOx formula. In fact HydrOx is compatible with most anything. The only issue of incompatibility comes into play when you're mixing the Crystalon3 polymer that's in Encap-Clean, Encap-Punch or Encap-Spot with hydrogen peroxide.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Oct 27, 2008 10:19 PM

Current Topic - Who is using a Spray-Borg system with their Orbot on Resi?
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