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Edger (electric)

October 28 2008 at 11:02 PM

Joe Gilstrap had a edger for sale in the past it seemed to be a high quality edge scrubber. I missed out. What a deal it was.

I been looking at the SCRUBBY by Cleanfix. It had interchangable pads brushes microfiber and bonnets.
Its low profile can get under furniture.

While I am forced to continue with residential 50% I may as well make life easier for those micro managing resi custys.

Anyone used it before? Or Any recommendations?

Rick G., had you thought about adding an electric edger to your CANDY STORE?

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Thomas Owens

Re: Edger (electric)

October 29 2008, 3:36 AM 

I'm not sure what the edger is but it sounds interesting.

By the way, I just wanted to comment on your having to do 50% residential. I wouldn't look at it as a negative. In times like these, it's good to be diversified. It's better to have a bunch of little baskets with a few eggs in each.


Re: Edger (electric)

October 29 2008, 7:39 AM 

Alex ask Joe where he got his.

Now about that being forced to do residential. You know that is not true rite? Any time you want to you can ditch it, there will be consequences to that action, but you are free to get rid of that side any time.


Re: Edger (electric)

October 29 2008, 2:05 PM 

order an extra battery with your scrubby

Thank You
Ken Jacobs - Toronto

Joel Riggs

Re: Edger (electric)

October 30 2008, 12:52 AM 

I have a similar prodcut called a moto scrubber. I have only used it once and it worked well on edges and some small stairs. I forget to put it on the truck.

Current Topic - Edger (electric)
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