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marketing hurdle

October 29 2008 at 11:12 AM

Slow day for me (we have snow!).... I was just looking at Rick's CMS marketing tool.....nice little system. Sometimes when I approach a protential client I will hear..."our janitorial cleaning company takes care of that" or "our cleaning company cleans our carpets". I also find in my area that the cleaning companies leave much to be desired and one company rents a small machine that is more or less a Rug D... Carpet care is neglected in these cases. I know how I deal with these situations and what I do to gain a new client. I m just curious if others come accross this and what you do to overcome "generic cleaners"

(one thing I do is make it clear that I am a professional carpet cleaning company and carpet cleaning is my expertise......I then in a subtle way without becoming offensive work in....." would you have the garage that changes your oil and rotates your tires paint you car" ....something along the line of this)


Re: marketing hurdle

October 29 2008, 11:23 AM 

FREE gift certificates for 1 room work well, proof is in the demo. Everyone likes FREE offer to do it in their own home even.


Re: marketing hurdle

October 29 2008, 11:35 AM 

Yes Jeff I agree a demo speaks volumes. When I did a demo for one of the clients I have now I asked them to have demos by other cleaners so they could compare work...they did...they hired my company.

I was there yesterday.....I have always used my OP machines in this place......yesterday I pulled out the Cimex and used it. The ladies there in the offices were impressed with it.....I never realized what a "chick magnet" the Cimex was....

This message has been edited by cleaner4u on Oct 29, 2008 11:37 AM


A Great Time Of The Year

October 29 2008, 11:43 AM 

Coming into Christmas is a great time of the year.

This has been my most lucrative time since I got Big Yella.

Do I hear you say how ??

Quite simple really.

I approach larger businesses such as accountant's offices, solicitors, etc; with a view to giving them a quotation on their carpet cleaning.

As a sweetener, I offer to clean their "Board Room" for free, as an example of how well my system works.

At this time of the year, they host quite a few "social meetings"

The prestige of their business dictates that the board room is spotless.

It has worked surprisingly well for me, especially in conjunction with the CMS dvd.

I do admit that I prefer to work week-ends on these jobs, and possibly take some time off through the week.

Not real keen on working nights no more

Hope this helps someone.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.

Joel Riggs

Re: A Great Time Of The Year

October 30 2008, 12:35 AM 

Shorty !!!! Thanks that is an awesome idea!!!! I think it would also work real well for law offices!!!!

Current Topic - marketing hurdle
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS