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October 29 2008 at 11:34 PM

Would someone walk me thru a Demo from beginning to end.How to set it up,get the customer interested in one,what to take to the Demo,my Cimex,do I mix Releaseit and water on location,what else do I take? From A to Z,please.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Demo's

October 30 2008, 6:22 AM 


Tell 'em you'd like to do a demo to show them how good their carpets will look. Then clean a portion of their worst section. Leave a little contrast of uncleaned so they can see the variation.

Rick Gelinas



October 30 2008, 8:52 AM 

I would also like to hear about the demo, if somebody would take the time and spell it out. Just new to the business and getting started. Thanks...Mike



Re: demo

October 30 2008, 6:32 PM 

As Rick said, once you have asked for the opportunity to do a demo, just go do it. More action and less talk is the key. Let the results speak for themselves.

Thomas Owens

Re: demo

October 31 2008, 12:01 AM 

I like to either have a little solution left in the tank, or have a separate container of RTU that you can pour some in once you get the cimex out.

Try to make a box(straight clear lines) out of your cleaning area so it's easy to tell where you cleaned and where you didn't. Bring your digital camera and take a lot of before, during, and after photos. Take some with the flash and some without. You never know which will look better.

Choose the dirtiest areas! I made the mistake of doing demos on areas that weren't too dirty. The contrast is just not there.


Less talk, more action, let the prospect decide.

October 31 2008, 12:16 AM 

Vacuum an area of carpet, a couple of square yards in the dirtiest part of the carpet.

Halfway through the dirtiest part, put dowm some masking tape and form a square so that only half of the dirtiest part is inside the square.

Clean inside the square as you would normally clean, don't overdo it, your finished job, should you land it, must be equal to the test square.

Remove the tape and any residue.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways.



October 31 2008, 9:48 AM 

Thanks Shorty and Tom for posting!


Current Topic - Demo's
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS