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Sales brochure for potential clients - Cimex encap cleaning system

November 4 2008 at 1:57 PM

I'm in the process of putting together a sales brochure that I can leave with potential clients for the cimex encap cleaning system on commercial floor coverings.

I wanted some biting headlines other than the usual selling points of the encap system(low moisture, whisper quiet operation etc)

For instance - Encap is currntly used to clean ????aq/ft of carpet in the USA, just a ball part figure! anyone?

Advantages of cimex encap over truck mount HWE cleaning on low profile commercial carpets.

If anyone has some good quality before and after pictures they don't mind sharing they'd be much appreciated.

Any other suggestions for good headlines for the brochure would be appreciated and when it's complete your welcome to a copy to modify as you wish.


Paul - United Kingdom

This message has been edited by 240zpaul on Nov 4, 2008 2:00 PM

Bill Martins


November 4 2008, 6:58 PM 

Unless you are selling the actual equipment to cleaners i would mention the Cimex in the brochures, but seems to me you want a sales brochure for prospects in the commercial side i wouldn't personally mention the Cimex Encap System, rather explain why you are different and what your method/encap can do for their establishment(s). People make decisions upon impulse & emotions, look for those key elements in your marketing/brochure to capture the reader/prospect.

Most clientele do not care which machines we use as long as they get what i mentioned above. Mentioning the name of your equipment to me just gives a smart person to say "thanks" and go online and research "cimex", than eventually get it for themselves and have their cleaning people do it themselves. It may not be always the case, but it has happened. Offcourse it takes a proper trained individual to operate a machine, and there are factors, but you get the picture.

Just like a car, i see your login name says 240z, i assume you are speaking of the Datsun...most consumers that don't know much about cars, will take their car to someone they can trust or was referred to by someone who used the service, chances are they don't have a clue which wrench, compressor, lifts, grease was used to do the work, they are just happy that the results were met if not exceeded.

Offcourse this is just my personal opinion.

ps...the 240z is one of my all time fav cars, one of the best sounding straight 6 iron blocks around...ok enough car talk.

Current Topic - Sales brochure for potential clients - Cimex encap cleaning system
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS