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The Hyrdrox does kick some carp

November 5 2008 at 12:11 AM
Tony Guttieri  

Hello, my name is Tony of Certified Cleaning. I am here to tell you about Encap Hydrox. Always looking for something new and better until perfection is found, I decided to try Encap Hydrox. I must say the wow factor has risen by 1000!.

I must tell you my experience with this Encap Hydrox. (Highly Dramatized)

A customer called begging for help. I am thinking "Oh great, another water damage to run to!" But no, not this. This customer said that she was being attacked by her dirty carpet! Literally! So she said. I am thinking, but laughing: "this must be a job for carpet master" (make believe carpet cleaning super hero) I get there and behold a flailing carpet, smacking faces with one end and the other end rolling kids up like a burrito and throwing furniture off its face like some agitated sea! So with my arsenal of chemstry, I decide to reach for the all new Encap Hydrox. Knowing that I only have moments before a total takeover of the household, I put every bit of trust in this new chemistry since Encap DS and Encap Punch put the whammy on other evil foes such as the dreaded 'haven't been cleaned in years' situation or the 'our toilet stays cleaner than our carpets cause the toilet at least gets flushed' scenarios. With Encap Hyrdrox in hand, I walk to the front door and can already see the commotion. I try to bust through the door but can barely open it. The carpet bunches itself up like some cheap rent house carpet with busted tack strips. But with a little force and some power shots with this new Encap Hydrox the carpet recedes faster than a balding head allowing me full entrance. With continual shots of this power juice, the carpet smacking stops and the carpet burritos unravel with a shreik. Then my trusty side kick, Mr. Orboto, rides in and finishes off the final revolts and the heavily fought battle becomes another victory. With another saved and happy custy I fly off into the night.

Side note: With products this good, carpet master has even found it to whiten skin. Teeth will be the next attempt.

Now, Encap Hyrdrox is the weapon of choice for us. Will it be yours?

(Disclaimer: highly dramatized and fabricated scenarios will not occur to or for everyone. Results will vary. Check with your Excellent supply distributor for proper use and 'scenarios')

Seriously, this stuff cleans. I hardly ever use Encap only on residential because of the plethora of stains and deeper piles. But I tried it today on a moderately white carpet after reading Tracy Walkers post and pictures and whaddya know, it works like a champ. Orbot was used with 17 inch tu ways


Rick Gelinas

Re: The Hyrdrox does kick some carp

November 5 2008, 6:55 AM 

Thanks for sharing that story Tony happy.gif

You get an A+ for creative writing!

But seriously, to write something with that much passion behind it would seem to indicate that you're pretty stoked about the results you're seeing with the product. That's fantastic to hear. We felt we had a unique product when we developed Encap-HydrOx. And now the reports are starting to come back in telling us that HydrOx is capable of accomplishing impressive results on unique cleaning challenges. I believed HydrOx would work well, but I'm truly happy to hear reports from the field that we have a winner! We're very proud of this new product!

Thanks again for your great story.
But don't quit your day job quite yet. wink.gif

> Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

I agree

November 5 2008, 7:12 AM 

We got our shipment of Hydrox in yesterday and I have already cleaned two rugs with it and my house. I have to say that I am impressed with it as well. Great work on the new product Rick.


Ditto on the above

November 5 2008, 11:28 AM 

I've been cleaning a restaurant/golf club once a month for the past three years using encap ds. We used the the hydrox for the first time this week, and it was noticeably much brighter.



November 5 2008, 3:50 PM 

safe for all carpet types and all COLORS?

thanx --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Answer :-)

November 5 2008, 5:35 PM 

Encap-HydrOx has a pH under 4 - so it's SAFE for any fiber; and it's excellent for wool. As long as the carpet or rug is colorfast (same as with any detergent) you will be fine.

Rick Gelinas

Thomas Owens

Re: Answer :-)

November 5 2008, 6:52 PM 

I think Hydrox is an amazing product. I just sprayed a line in the carpet without scrubbing, and it was almost instantly bright and white. Now combine that oxygen power with the agitation of OP or Cimex, and you have the ultimate combination in cleaning.

I'm thinking of using it for residential carpets especially. There are always protein spots, and often the carpet is a light color, often off-white or beige. Plus, it takes care of a lot of odors as well.

I will continue to try it in different situations to see how it does, but so far it's proven to be a very potent cleaner.


Before/After using hydrox

November 6 2008, 7:07 PM 

The pics are a bit blurry, but this spot was browned out plant water.
[linked image]?t=1226016223
[linked image]?t=1226016253

Bill Martins


November 6 2008, 7:44 PM 

Very nice pic.

I also used HydroX today at a job, came out real good. Have to upload pictures later on.

Thomas Owens

Re: b4/after

November 6 2008, 9:05 PM 

That was some impressive before and afters. By the way, pictures seem to always be blurry without the flash on with low light, but sometimes the contrast is better without the flash, so what can you do.

I also had a chance to do my own carpet with it yesterday. I always like trying new products on my own carpet just to see how it goes. I have off white carpet which shows every little spot.

Everything came out nice and bright. A brown spot that would never come out prior was removed easily as well.

Current Topic - The Hyrdrox does kick some carp
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