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Another question about warranties

November 17 2008 at 12:42 PM

The posts below regarding the rotary machines vs. carpet manufacturers warranty could be discouraging, but raises another question. The answer to which, might make using or not using a rotary machine irrelevant. Back in the early 90's I had the opportunity (?) to become "certified" in two carpet manufacturer's maintenance programs. As I recall, they both had very specific (and required) maintenance frequency schedules. If the maintenance schedule was not complied with, (and documented), then the carpet manufacturer had a loophole in place regardless of what method or equipment was used. So, if a prospect calls us to give a cleaning proposal and they are two or three (or four or five)years into the warranty program. If they are just now having the carpet cleaned, and they can't "prove" to the mill that they are in complience with original frequency specs, haven't they effectively voided the warranty regardless of what equipment we use? It has been a while since I have even thought about this, but I can't remember ever hearing first hand about a cleaning related claim either.

Don Eldred

Re: Another question about warranties

November 17 2008, 4:27 PM 

Most complaints the mills get on commercial installations are cleaning related, actually it is "BAD CLEANING" when the truth is known. A lot of corporations just give the carpet care to the Janitorial Company to save dealing with another contractor. Yes there is the odd good Janitorial company out there in every town, but the norm leaves alot to be desired. The good ones will not work for the money some of these companies are willing to pay for janitorial services, so the carpets get the same attention that the rest of the building gets, net results complaints about carpets not being cleanable are a large part of complaints to mills.

Current Topic - Another question about warranties
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