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soon to be encapin

November 20 2008 at 8:06 PM

have a cimex on its way. cant wait to use this system. it will be good to get away from all that water for some use the cimex to scrub in prespay before hwe? then encap last? i do realize that most would just go encap. just lookin at different ways.


Re: soon to be encapin

November 20 2008, 10:55 PM 

Works great as a precursor to HWE. We have encapped a whole job with Encap Punch from Rick, and just HWE'd the worse traffic areas after and it comes out excellent everytime.

We also follow up with bonnets on the Cimex after HWE for more extraction & quicker drying.


Re: soon to be encapin

November 20 2008, 10:56 PM 

Hi Red,
Where you located?

To save you a whole lotta time waiting on answers, I would just utilize the search feature just above and key in pre-spray.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


soon to be encapin

November 21 2008, 12:29 AM 

cannada eh? thankyou servant

Bill Martins

Search function

November 21 2008, 12:38 PM 

I've spent well over a week one time on here going thru alot of the topics myself, all the way back to the first post when Rick talks about this new board, actually back than was when he had the Spotter out i believe too, i think that was around 2006 if i'm not mistaking.


Re: Search function

November 21 2008, 1:35 PM 

Don Eldred

Re: Search function

November 21 2008, 1:37 PM 

Keep it simple!!! Only pre spray on the nasty ones other wise just go with detergent in the tank shower feed and clean. Agitation is the key to good encap cleaning and not loads of detergents


Re: soon to be encapin

November 22 2008, 1:33 PM 

Welcome Red:

You're going to love the versatility of the Mex. I think it would be hard to find a better agitator to work in your favorite prespray before HWE. In fact, it will suspend the soil very well and rinsing with your extractor will be a breeze. If you use Punch as your rinse agent in extractor, you'll also get the additional benefit of some encapsulation as the carpet dries.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex


soon to be encapin

November 22 2008, 6:13 PM 

do i use pads or brush for this?


soon to be encapin

November 22 2008, 6:14 PM 

do i use pads or brush for this?


Re: soon to be encapin

November 22 2008, 6:27 PM 

I use pads on everything except delicate wool rugs. You can use the beige ones for the majority and the odd nasty level loop, say in a restaurant, you might decide to use the grey max pads.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex

Ed Turner

Re: soon to be encapin

November 29 2008, 7:12 PM 

Experiment with the pads and brushes.
You can use the pads on anything really, but Wool, use the brushes.
I have the soft dark brown/black brushes, they are great and soft. Make sure you get another set of those silly little plastic rings for dispersing the liquid. If one breaks on the job, take an old pad, cut it out into a circle and stuff it into the hole. It will disperse the liquid properly. I had it happen on the job, thought about it, did it and the next day did a search and found it was already talked about.

I have a Commercial account that the carpet still did not look good after the pads, so I used the Brushes, and voila.. it looked better. By the way it was a commercial regular carpet, it is just the type of soiling and grass seeds from their boots. After it dried, I did another vac and it punched up nicely. Sometimes, if there is a lot of nasty dirt and hard traffic areas, I use the brushes first with solution, then do the rest of the carpet and then come back and use a small amount of solution, just enough to keep the pads wet and run over the marks again. Works for me. (do not overwet)

Also use the search feature it is your bestest friend.. really, the board has been here since 2006 and most any question has been asked, so just go a looking.
Note, do not leave your Cimex in your van overnight in the prairies, unless you have a heater in there!
Sometimes, I just run a cord and heater into my van if I am too tired or using it the next day.

Current Topic - soon to be encapin
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS