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Please help me find the perfect machine for...

December 4 2008 at 11:12 AM

we have a large account with offices on a 2nd floor spread all over a warehouse. some are a quarter mile hike apart from eachother.

i've used the Cimex with large wheels but it is plain too much work with all those flights of steps.

i've used my Challenger but at end of day i am shot from carrying it up and down all those steps with my Multisprayer.

i want a small 12" - 13" rotary or OP that is LIGHTWEIGHT - LESS THAN 50 lb's (preferably 30-40 lb's), and it HAS TO have a solution tank with shower feed / gravity feed (no solution pump)

any1 know of such a machine and where to buy it? used is fine.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Please help me find the perfect machine for...

December 4 2008, 12:20 PM 

I would suggest a Orbot

Anything that has such little weight will not have a lot of good scrubbing action. Take the elevator, can you just drive from one place to the other? Have you thought of a good had truck to fit everything on and just wheel it to where you need (except stairs mind you)

I have found that light weigh machines do not hold up as well as the heavier ones, not to mention smaller machines means less production times.

If you must persist in a small machine like that I would give Ricks staff a call they should be able to help you out.

The only thing I would add is make sure the rotary has triple planetary gears

This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Dec 4, 2008 12:24 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Please help me find the perfect machine for...

December 4 2008, 12:56 PM 

I like the suggestions that David made above. David has done a lot of commercial cleaning, so he speaks from experience. I agree that the Orbot would be sweet with extra large transport wheels and it's maneuverability. David's suggestion about a hand cart makes sense too.

If you want a lightweight, well-built, durable, inexpensive, rotary machine--- Koblenz makes some of the best machines on the market. We can configure this lil scrubber with a tank and driver for you. I would actually go with a 15" driver with a pad riser on this machine.

[linked image]

Rick Gelinas


Kevin Pearson

Re: Please help me find the perfect machine for...

December 4 2008, 5:47 PM 


If you slow down your production with a smaller machine won't it just take you longer to do the job and then you will still be worn out at the end of the day.

Why not hire an employee and buy another Cimex and get it done twice as fast and you would have help getting the thing up and down the stairs. Even if you just had a hired hand to help you every once in a while and not a full time person it might be worth it to you on this job.

One of the thing I love about having two Cimex's is that cleaning 10,000 sf of carpet only takes about 2 1/2 hours. Before the Cimex we cleaned 10,000 sf at a church on a regular basis and it was 11-12 hours with our Butler. Gotta love the production rate of the Cimex.

Just my thoughts. Sounds like a neat job too. I hope you find a good solution. Let us know how it goes.

Kevin Pearson


Rick Gelinas

Cimex Sale

December 4 2008, 6:26 PM 

More great advice!

And don't forget, if you decide to get another Cimex, we're running a nice year end sale on the Cimex package...

Through the end of the month you can get a new ~ 19" Cimex with ~ Pad Drivers ~ Fiberplus Pads ~ FiberPlus Max Pads ~ Gallon of Releasit DS ~ Free Shipping to a commercial address ~ CMS Program --- all for just $2700.

Right it off in 2008 happy.gif

Rick Gelinas


generous sale

December 4 2008, 8:53 PM 

a very sound bargain i would say.


I'd look for a:

December 5 2008, 7:31 PM 

I'd look at a Mercury Floor Machines "Boss MultiTasker" in the 175/300 rpm version. It doesn't meet the weight needs, but it provides a 13" capability with a 1.5 hp motor and the tank option. Also, by changing the shrouds gives you the versatility to switch to larger sizes. Unicorn kit might offer more opportunities in marble, hard floors.
Also, the use of the riser on the pad driver is very wise.
I think this machine is also sold as a "Versapro"

Grant D

Interesting question...

December 5 2008, 10:59 PM 

You've probably thought of these Derek. But the only lightweight solutions I could think of are:
1. Challenger you already have at 60#, but could get the sprayer at and add that, but then you're up close to 70#??
2. Oreck orbiter, or better if you can find a CCS Brat. However no sprayer.
3. For lightweight with a sprayer would have to get a CRB with the tankless sprayer setup aka "Cobra" or skip the sprayer and just use a Host machine or similar.
4. Or just wheel the new Orbot you ordered once you get it up those stairs, that should be easy I hear.


Re: Interesting question...

December 6 2008, 8:19 AM 

If you ordered an Orbot wait until you give it a spin before purchasing another machine, (unless you just want to)

Get a hand truck if you have to go a long distance with multiple
items to carry and put them all on it. another solution I use is a 45 trash container on a dolly everything but the Orbot or extractor goes into the bunt an away I go.

Current Topic - Please help me find the perfect machine for...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS