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Hydrox Shelf life

December 8 2008 at 12:47 PM

Many of the peroxide chems on the marjet have a short shelf life once mixed, so I have 2 questions for you.

1)I would like to mix Hydrox as the proten spotter 1/3 chem 2/3 water as indicated on the label and keep this mis in my spotting kit. How soon will the potency decline.

2)Regarding Hydrox mixed solution left over from a job. How long will it remain potent mixed @ 10 oz. -1 gallon. I know the other ReleaseIt products can be used without concern after being mixed and stored for a short time.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox Shelf life

December 8 2008, 6:40 PM 

1) I would like to mix Hydrox as the proten spotter 1/3 chem 2/3 water as indicated on the label and keep this mis in my spotting kit. How soon will the potency decline.

Keep it in a sealed container away from light and heat and you will be fine. I would recommend using a small bottle. You might consider getting a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the drug store, emptying it out, and using it as a container for your HydrOx spotter.

2) Regarding Hydrox mixed solution left over from a job. How long will it remain potent mixed @ 10 oz. -1 gallon. I know the other ReleaseIt products can be used without concern after being mixed and stored for a short time.

Hydrogen peroxide has a shelf life. I would recommend diluting just what you plan to use, trying not to mix up more than you need at any given time. That being said, I have seen it last a full week mixed in the tank of the Cimex and still have potency when we took it out of a hot truck a week later. We poured some out on a brick driveway and when the solution hit some some black mold/mildew/fungus - it started to fizz.

Unfortunately there's no practical test for peroxide potency; that is unless you wanted to cut your finger to see if it still fizzes LOL (it fizzes when it comes in contact with blood). So since it isn't easy to test its potency, it would be best to try to use it all up on each job rather than leaving it in an open tank exposed to the air.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Hydrox Shelf life

December 10 2008, 1:23 AM 

I know that this post is speaking about shelf life. However I want to share this experience I had with Encap Hydrox.

I cleaned a 1000 sq.ft. area hadn,t been cleaned in 8 months.
THE place is high traffic with heavy water stains foot traffic on top of that.

I used DS/PUNCH/HYDROX-10 OZ./ all mixed together. Carpet turned out great. Nice and bright looked good.

I went back 1 month later (new monthly account) and the carpet looked like it did the previous month.

So this time I cleaned with DS/PUNCH only. Its been three weeks and the carpet still looks good no water stains, just light dingy look from the heavy foot traffic although water spillage still is heavy. I'm scheduled to clean this weekend.

Just shared that to highlight the contrasting effect that Hydrox has on the crystalizing polymers in the DS and Punch when mixed together.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox Shelf life

December 10 2008, 7:55 AM 


I'm glad your carpet cleaned up well. You saw the results of HydrOx killing the browning of the water spots. That's one of the things it does extremely well.

However mixing the products as you did, compromised the polymer in the DS and Punch. Encap-HydrOx uses a special polymer (Crystalon-hp). It is stable with hydrogen peroxide. This is a unique polymer. And it has a different composition than the polymer in our other encap products (Crystalon3). So if you were to mix HydrOx with the other products, the polymer in those products would be compromised.

Rick Gelinas

Andy Mc

Hydrox & Odorcide

December 10 2008, 11:03 AM 

One of the uses I would consider hydrox for is urine stains. Would be great if odorcide could be mixed in so you could attack both stain & odor in one shot. Are the two products compatable??


Rick Gelinas

Re: Hydrox & Odorcide

December 10 2008, 11:53 PM 

Yes. Odorcide and Encap-HydrOx are compatible.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Hydrox Shelf life
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