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So who has an X-Vac?

December 13 2008 at 7:15 PM

very interesting piece of equipment. for CGD it seems a good this true? or is it more for resi?

does it really shine on CGD jobs where there is heavily impacted dry soil?

thanx for any feedback --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Re: So who has an X-Vac?

December 13 2008, 7:23 PM 

I do. In fact I have a couple of 'em. One is on the showroom floor, and one is in a box in the warehouse. And they are both wanting to find a good home. You can adopt one today.

Seriously though, the X-Vacs are incredible at digging up crud from the base of soil-impacted carpet. In some cases, nothing (not even an X-Vac) can get everything up from the base of a trampled CGD carpet. But the X-Vac will definately dig up more than anything else can.

Rick Gelinas


I love Mine

December 13 2008, 9:18 PM 

It helps a great deal. I have a quarterly cleaning (cgd )olefin fiber with very nubby nap. It practically lays flat from traffic. There are some spill stains present for years. My first cleaning was goodwith the Mex and releasit. Two weeks later the spill stains were back. It was like one of those horor movies.

The cleaning came around and I used the x-vac on the stains then along with the rick-G menuever as before. The stains were gone for two months and slowly I began to see a shade of dark color begin to appear showing where the stains are.
I even HWE the day before the cleaning.

I told the owner that floor needs cleaning twice in a quarter if he doesn't want to see those spill stains.

The Point is that the X-VAC is AWESOME.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Don Eldred

Re: I love Mine

December 14 2008, 11:21 AM 

Excellant machine It is a must to be successful in the commercial carpet maintenance field. Dry soil removal is a big part of any low moisture cleaning system.


Cleaned Today

December 14 2008, 11:56 PM 

I cleaned today this same account. First I Vacuumed, when vacuuming the spill stains (2x3 sq.ft.) I went north South East West. Then lastly with the brush against the lay of the fibers.

As I stood back and looked at the stain it almost disappeared. So it just shows that carpet wasn't vacuumed and the work of the X-VAC was still manifest.

Your Servant Alex

Cultivate the "OCCD" you had at first for the industry!

Current Topic - So who has an X-Vac?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS