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Strange things from down under

December 17 2008 at 12:13 AM

Following on from the "Clumps" post, this last week I have found two strange things.

In a bottle of Releasit DS, I found a large black concoction as I emptied the bottle.

Yes, I did shake it prior to pouring.

I put this down to possibly some contaminant in the bottle.

In a freshly opened bottle of Soil-eze, on the second pour, a coagulated substance came out.

I have had this happen with the Soil-eze once before, I put it down to the bottle not being used for a while.

Neither problem caused me any grief ad I thought no more of it until the "Clump" post.

As I am in the tropics, I can't claim unstability from freeze/thawing, etc;

I would be interested to know the reason behind this.

Both instances were very minor compared to how long I have been using these products.

Some others I used to use, it would be a regular occurence until I changed products, which, unfortunately for the suppliers, I no longer purchase their products.

It used to peeve me off when they would not even offer any sort of explanation for a problem.

That's my bitch for today.

I think wink.gif



PS :::: Down under, "bitch" means to have a whinge, complain, etc;, not a swear word. happy.gif

It's also the dog's mother. happy.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Geoff Alger

Re: Strange things from down under

December 17 2008, 5:41 AM 


I had noticed one container of releasit had coagulated with about a quarter left in it. Shook it up, mixed with hot water and thought no more about it. Till now!!!!!

This message has been edited by AussieGeoff on Dec 17, 2008 5:42 AM


Re: Strange things from down under

December 18 2008, 11:47 AM 

I was wondering if you had it stored on a concrete floor for a while?
Concrete is nasty stuff that does not get along well with most everything.


This IS Australia ;-)

December 18 2008, 3:24 PM 

This is not like 'Bama" wink.gif

Although some people still think the wallabies and roo's jump down Pitt St in Steak & Kidney, and we still have dirt floors, I moved up-market & live "up north".

happy.gif happy.gif happy.gif

Nah Ed, I have it stored on timber/wood shelving about four feet off the floor.

The floor is is ceramic tiles.

Have always stored chemicals on shelving.

C'mon Rick, put me out of my misery, and not with a .44 wink.gif

All the best good people.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

george mavridis

Re: This IS Australia ;-)

December 18 2008, 4:37 PM 

Adding to Shorty there, we also now have "electricity"
it sure makes using the cimex alot

but don't believe everything Shorty says...........they may not have kangaroos running down the main street of Cairns but they do have crocodlies on the gold courses and pick nic/camping areas



Rick Gelinas

Re: This IS Australia ;-)

December 18 2008, 6:50 PM 

Hey if you guys can send me the batch number on the jug it will make it possible for me to do a bit of research. It's located on a little numeric sticker on the jug. A sample of every batch is kept for quality control purposes, and I can also track the manufacturing date from that number too. So if you e-mail the batch number, I can look into the specific batch.

Rick Gelinas

Geoff Alger

Re: This IS Australia ;-)

December 19 2008, 2:28 AM 

George, what did you do with your pedal powered cimex?

Maybe Rick could start a museum.

Current Topic - Strange things from down under
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS