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Merry Chrismas

December 18 2008 at 7:52 AM
Harold Paulsen 

Merry Christmas to evevyone on this site. You all have been very helpful all thru the year with your questions & answers. I am very thankful. Harold Paulsen

Mark Anthony

Merry Christmas to....

December 18 2008, 4:11 PM 

It has been a pleasure and have really learned allot from this board. You gentlemen of the profession really know your stuff. One day I am going to be like you and really pick up much work. I will someday afford the Releasit CMS and give my business a boost like many of yours. Times are hard but I still give the good Lord all the praise and wish His goodness upon all you here and to all your families on this board.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care


Joe DeSouza

Hey Mark Anthony, you need to read this...

December 18 2008, 4:49 PM 

Hey Mark, The CMS package is only $150...the price of 1 or 2 jobs; it's worth it! When I first started cleaning 5 yrs ago, I dove right in and bought a marketing package at around $600 I think... Worth every penny. made my money back in a couple of jobs, because it targeted people with more disposable income...and I bought it with money I borrowed from my brother, so it's not like I already had it. In fact I started to do the marketing BEFORE I even pushed a wand or bought a truckmount!

Looking back, it was the best thing I did in my business, 2nd was buying a Cimex. Those 2 things stand out over these past years as the greatest investments in my biz.

Email me if you need help -


This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Dec 18, 2008 4:51 PM

Current Topic - Merry Chrismas
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS