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Coffee Stains

December 23 2008 at 6:51 AM
Fred Gruber  

I am currently bidding on a local Weight Watchers center, with the possibility of getting 13 locations on a maintenance schedule. I did a demo in a small area where there were what appeared to be coffee stains. The area cleaned up great but I could still slightly see a coffee stain.

I used Release-it DS in the spotting mix on the spots, as a pre-spray and through the Cimex in the proper mixes. I called the next day to see how the area looked. They said it looks great except that the one spot came back and looks darker than it did before I cleaned it. I never had that happen before. What could have happened and what could I do to correct this?

This message has been edited by ftgjr on Dec 23, 2008 6:54 AM

Rick Thode

Re: Coffee Stains

December 23 2008, 10:43 AM 

Coffee has tannin as well as other possible dyes in it. The best way to remove the last possible traces is with CTI Stain Magic that you can get illustrious leader Rick G.

Simply mix it according to directions, moisten the spot and brush in. No rinsing. Walk away. the chemical will react over the next couple hours and simply disappear on its own.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex

Fred Gruber

Re: Coffee Stains

December 23 2008, 3:51 PM 

Thank You. I was just wondering why it came back darker.

PS. They called today. I got the account.

This message has been edited by ftgjr on Dec 23, 2008 3:53 PM

Geoff Alger

Re: Coffee Stains

December 23 2008, 5:28 PM 

It's not darker. It just stands out more because the area around the stain is cleaner than it was.


Re: Coffee Stains

December 24 2008, 7:27 AM 

Usually, people have made spotting attempts on the coffee stain, so it is somewhat faded. When you get it wet from cleaning, and it's a bad one, it can wick up full strength while drying. That's why it looks darker than before you cleaned it.

Kevin Kluth
Pinnacle Cleaning


coffee stains

December 27 2008, 9:11 PM 

had the same thing at local job corps building.. coffee stains from trash bag being dragged across floor by maint crew and bag had small hole in bottom. went by with small spotter machine and kinda flushed the area good with DS in hot water.. told them I would finish when we cleaned the office in 2 weeks..

when we came back you could still see the coffee area but not so bad.. sprayed with punch and let sit a couple min and went over with mex and ds.. very little DS and lots of scrub. put fan on area and went on cleaning rest of office.. came back to check a couple time and the spots just kinda faided away.

did normal clean on area again and next day got phone call from very happy clients..


Re: Coffee Stains

January 6 2009, 5:34 PM 

This is one of the issues that directly resulted in the development of Encap HydrOx. This product works as a spotter, if you apply Encap Spot over top of it, you get a 2 part spotter. Encap HydrOx is Acidic and works very well on all types of brown stains.



March 1 2009, 3:05 PM 

Sorry, I'm new and I kind of need everything spelled out.
Do you Spot before attempting to clean coffee?Kool-aid etc.?
Do you bonnet dry before using ds? after using ds? not at all?
Is there a stain chart available?

Current Topic - Coffee Stains
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