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Shorty- what about these???

December 24 2008 at 5:04 PM

Del Scrivner  

I think I MAY have found the same wheels.

Only question is....This appears to have a metal hub/bearing at the center- does yours or is yours 100% nylon?>

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Beeeeeeewdy Budddddddddy

December 24 2008, 5:43 PM 

Hi Del, Merry Christmas mate and all the best for the New Year, & for all those that are not that way inclined, I wish you peace, happiness and prosperity for the future.

Looks like you ferreted out those wheels that I can no longer get wink.gif

I think you will find that the metal section inside the hub is there to take a smaller axle, mine had those also.

It simply pulls out, then you drill out the nylon to the correct diameter.

NOTE:::: See if you can get the WHITE tyres/tires, instead of the black ones, I have found over the years that black can leave marks on carpet sad.gif

Whatever you do, make sure that when you are drilling out the centre, that you drill it dead straight, if not, you will have wobbly wonky wheels. happy.gif

Best to use a drill press with the wheels clamped firmly to the bench top, go slow so that the drill does not go off-centre.

If not, as you wheel the "Mex; around, the wheel will be off-centre which will make your Mex; look like me on pay night, wobbling all over the place wink.gif (Rather, I used to).

Ideally, I would like to see a steel insert inside the hub to take the weight of the "Mex; rather than straight on the nylon, as I do feel that this is going to wear over time.

Thanks for the link, I may have to get some myself later wink.gif

Take care and keep safe.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Sal Muscarella


December 24 2008, 6:14 PM 

Shorty, your suggestion to clamp the wheel to the drill press table is good in that it first prevents injury to the operator.
Secondly allows you to use an "end mill" instead of a drill to open up the axle hole.
A drill will follow an existing hole, but as you said, can drift and cause a "wonky, wobbly" hole. LOVE THOSE AUSSIE TERMS.
The end mill will assure you of a straight hole and likely to the correct diameter, provided that the clamped wheel is truly center and aligned to the spindle center line.
To align the wheel center line to the spindle center line, put a dowel or pin in the spindle and without the spindle turning, bring it down into the wheel hole. Lock the spindle and then start tightening the wheel to the table.
Another precaution, is to watch that when clamping the wheel, that the hub or spokes are clamped evenly so as not to cause the drill or end mill to open the hole at an angle.
Hope this helps.

Mark Anthony

Are these...

December 25 2008, 2:46 PM 

Are this wheels for the Cimex and if not where can you get larger wheels for the Cimex for going up stairs? Wheels that are solid not the air pressure type.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care


HUH ??? again

December 26 2008, 12:36 AM 

May I ask why you want solid wheels as opposed to pneumatic tires ?

I come from the land down under & I'm a bit slow when I haven't had me Vegemite sanga yet sad.gif



PS ::: Yes, these are similar to the wheels and tires that I have on my Mex; in fact, apart from the color black, they are nearly identical. wink.gif

I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Current Topic - Shorty- what about these???
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