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Area Rugs

December 28 2008 at 7:19 AM
Phil R 

I did a search and got plenty of replies but not on what I searched for. happy.gif

Curious who here does area rug cleaning. I'd like more info.


Re: Area Rugs

December 29 2008, 8:30 PM 

Phil - are you talking about cleaning in the customers home or in your shop?

We now do both...if the rug seems lightly soiled and the custy just wants a quick clean, we can encap / op it on spot, depending on the type.

If it is really dirty, or has dog urine (alot do) we now bring it back to our shop and flush it right.

Check out this link for more info :


Kevin Pearson

Re: Area Rugs

December 30 2008, 8:45 AM 

We do all rug cleaning in our office. You can actually see our setup online via a webcam I have setup on my website. and then click on webcam. If you have any specific questions about rug cleaning I would be happy to help anyway I can. Feel free to email me or call.

We do use a lot of Releasit in our rug cleaning plant. It is great on wool.

[linked image]

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Dec 30, 2008 8:48 AM

Phil R

Re: Area Rugs

December 30 2008, 5:07 PM 

Thanks Kevin. I am curious about the Rug Badger. Or any 'duster' for that matter.

My curiosity is specific to one thing; does one of these machines make any visible difference to the rug or is it more of a tool for speeding up the dusting process?

Rick Thode

Re: Area Rugs

December 30 2008, 6:42 PM 

Hi Phil:

I use & sell the Wolverine rug duster and it does make a significant difference in appearance of the area rug. It takes out dust and silt that you normally would not be able to get rid of with normal vacuuming. You would have to spend a lot more money to find a dusting machine that would take as much soil.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex

Phil R

Re: Area Rugs

December 31 2008, 8:13 AM 

Rick, is it possible for you to post a b4 and after photo of such a rug/Wolverine?

Here is where i am heading. Current plans to not include a rug plant. Yet, I do want to offer rug cleaning. In limited ways of course.

If, and only if, a duster does make a sizable difference in appearance, i want one.

The plan would be to 'dust' vac' OP/HWE (rug type of course) and dry.

No way I want to do this at the clients house but in my shop.

I feel this may be the very niche to divide me from the crowd.

I'd hate to drop that kind of coin for little to no results.

Rick Thode

Re: Area Rugs

December 31 2008, 12:10 PM 

I'll try and get you a picture of this Phil. I will do a commercial mat as this will best illustrate what is happening.

Obviously, if you get a customers area rug that only has "Soluble" soil and not much "Insoluble" soil, the difference will not be so dramatic as dusting on deals with the "Insoluble" type.

Rick Thode
Your Canadian Source for Releasit/Cimex


Re: Area Rugs

December 31 2008, 12:42 PM 

I have personally seen the difference a Rug Badger makes, naturally the more dirt in the rug the larger the difference.

I believe the Rug Badger site has before and afters along with video


We will be getting the Rug Badge and their towers in the spring.

This message has been edited by David-Hebert on Dec 31, 2008 12:54 PM


Kevin Pearson

Re: Area Rugs

December 31 2008, 3:25 PM 

This message has been edited by Kevin_Pearson on Jan 14, 2009 8:16 AM

Current Topic - Area Rugs
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