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about those big wheels

January 6 2009 at 12:38 PM

it would be nice if they would be offered as accesorie option??????


Del Scrivner

Re: about those big wheels

January 6 2009, 2:02 PM 

It was a fair amount of work to customize them.  If someone had the "larger scale" ability to have them start off with the white tires, the more solid hub and the hub bored to 1 inch so all you had to do is pop the old ones off and put the new ones on it would be really nice.

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


larger wheels

January 10 2009, 10:55 AM 

I saw the "new" no flat tire for wheel barrows and was thinking they might be the trick.. the tire is a solid rubber/plastic material that has a bit of give to it.. they are yellow and appear to non marking as well...

anyone used this wheel to pimp a cimex..??



Del Scrivner

Re: larger wheels

January 10 2009, 2:02 PM 

I have played with them before and thought about it, but they don't have that same "give" in them that the tubed ones allow when a few pounds under pressure.

Here is what I mean too.  When I attended the driving portion of the police academy one of the things that we were taught is to run 5 pounds UNDER the recommended air pressure on our squad cars, causing the tire to flatten slightly and hug the road for MUCH better control then most bad guys.

That same "under pressurization" of the Cimex wheel allows is to flex around the nose of the stair and especially with the knobby tires Shorty and I have to kinda "grip" it and then just roll over to the top.

Hard to describe you have to experience it for yourself.

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care

Current Topic - about those big wheels
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