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Largest Commercial Job

January 14 2009 at 3:41 PM
Rich Holcomb  

I would like to hear what your largest commercial encap job was, pricing for the job, and what challenges you may have faced with your project. I am bidding on my first commercial job of over 80,000 sq. ft. plus 4000 ft. of tile.

I am estimating five 8 hr. days with two machines on the carpeting only. There are cubicals everywhere. I would not have to move much, the company gives the employees a cleaning warning the day before so they can have things picked up.

Any comments would be greaty appreciated.


Don Eldred

Re: Largest Commercial Job

January 14 2009, 4:02 PM 

80 man hours x's the dollars per hour you think you need to be profitable.
80 x's $50.00 = $4000.00
80 x's $75.00 = $6000.00

It is up to you, different prices for commercial depends on your area, no two are the same.


Big Cm Job

January 14 2009, 7:23 PM 

We did 50,0000 sf with 4 cimexs in 6.5 hrs , Lots of offices & cubicals. You should get 30,000 per day with 2 cimexs & 3 men.

This message has been edited by bflittle on Jan 14, 2009 7:38 PM

John Middleton

Re: Largest Commercial Job

January 15 2009, 2:37 PM 

This message has been edited by CarpetPro on Jan 15, 2009 7:23 PM


Joe DeSouza

Re: Largest Commercial Job

January 15 2009, 9:13 PM 

we did a 30k sqft mall that was one HUGE open space with (2) - 19" and (1)-15" cimex's - took I think 6.5 - 7hrs...nice job, but I really think i'd rather have jobs half that size, but spread out a little - it was very tiring...if we can do the 15k jobs in 4 hrs, and have one of those jobs a night, that would be good. We did that job on a sunday, started at 3pm and finished around 11pm I think.

The thing that stinks is that was a "one hit wonder" type of job; they didnt want a maintenance cotract...


This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Jul 11, 2011 12:00 AM

Rich Holcomb

Lost Bid

February 5 2009, 7:52 PM 

Well I lost the bid on the large commercial job. The facilities director said she only has a budget for .7 and I had bid closer to what Rick has suggested.
Funny though that I bid 1.00 per ft. on the ceramic tile and I was awarded that bid. I am trying to set up a meeting to see if we might come to a compromise. I really hate to loose the work.


Current Topic - Largest Commercial Job
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