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The EncapBlog is back

January 19 2009 at 4:32 PM

Rick Gelinas 

I'm happy to report that the EncapBlog is back!

Our old EncapBlog died when the hosting company flaked out. But I have it back now on a new server, and I expect to develop it into a cool resource for you guys and gals. I'm planning to add content on a regular basis. So check back often.

Rick Gelinas



January 19 2009, 5:52 PM 


I've heard several things about blogs, but I'm still fairly computer illiterate so I don't understand what they are.

"Please explain", as my old red headed ex-girlfriend from Toowoomba would have said down at the fish 'n chip shop. wink.gif

What is a "blog" ??

Like Rambo & Watto; I'm still learnin' wink.gif



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Rick Gelinas

Re: Onya

January 19 2009, 6:08 PM 

Blog - Weblog - Web Log --- A blog is a log of an authors thoughts captured on a website.

A blog or "web log", contains a history of posts by an individual. It can also contain comments relating to those posts. A blog is an internet medium that's used for publishing an author's thoughts on any given subject. Kind of like a mini magazine in electronic form.

In this case, The EncapBlog will be a place where I intend to publish useful information relating to our industry. Sort of a "best of" compilation of the stuff that floats around my brain. Scary huh?

For example, check out the latest entry relating to the Economy

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 19, 2009 10:17 PM


Del Scrivner

Re: Onya

January 19 2009, 6:17 PM 


A blog is often used for a person or business to just write their ideas, comments, feelings, etc in a MUCH less formal fashion then their standard web site.

The upside to blogging for business is that it can, if used properly, increase their hits on search engines.

For many individuals you may consider it kind of an "electronic diary" that they are willing to share with the world.

Make your own luck,

Del Scrivner
Cowboy's Carpet Care


Well I'll be blogged !!!

January 29 2009, 4:14 AM 

Thank you Gentlemen for your replies.

Everything now is as clear as mud, but I'll work on it. happy.gif

I'm fairly slow on this computerisation stuff, and rarely tread where I am unsure, as I never know what I may step into. sad.gif

I see that the Rug Hub has a "Blog" so I'll start and check them out and see what I can figure out.

Thanks again, goodnight & Ooroo,


Current Topic - The EncapBlog is back
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS