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Commercial Payment

January 30 2009 at 5:16 PM

I have gotten into the habit of checking on commercial accounts before going on estimates, to see how they pay or play well with others.

Just did an estimate on 4K SF,after doing a BBB inquire and finding out 22 complaints in 12 months, then Googled to find out there was skam warnings posted.

Still did the estimate, the quote specified payment at time of service by credit card. Price was not a problem however they wanted 30 day terms, I politly declined , thanked them for their time and let them know if they changed their minds I would be glad to provide service.

Case & Point- Good practice to know who your extending terms to,even more so with todays economy. I may have been over cautious but just had a bad feeling.

David Hebert

Re: Commercial Payment

January 30 2009, 5:37 PM 

BBB complaints do not bother me I have had them,from screwy customers some I never cleaned for that was the problem.

22 complaints is an issue if you can determined what the complaints were that be good. 30 days net is the norm,but I always give x off for payment upfront.

The other thing I do if I think there may be a problem is have them fill out a credit app since I am carrying them for a month.There is another option which is to have them give you their CC#s in the event they do not pay you with in the time frame you can charge the card.


PS I always go with my instincts, when I do not 99% of the time i get in deep DOODOO

Current Topic - Commercial Payment
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