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A country of extremes

February 2 2009 at 6:16 AM

Whilst we have been having a small cyclone around Cairns, down in South Australia it's been a different story.

(we forget about these guys when we complain how hot it is!!!!!!)

It has been so hot in South Australia for over a week40+ degrees Celsius everyday, very dry also.

A guy at work lives at Maude. His wife sent him these photos of a little Koala which just walked into the back porch looking for a bit of heat relief. She filled up a bucket and this is what happened!

This little chap obviously knows about hygiene..drinks the water first then gets in!!

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]

[IMG][linked image][/IMG]



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif


Re: A country of extremes

February 2 2009, 2:08 PM 

very cool pics!!

104 Fahrenheit...UGH

Thomas Owens

Re: A country of extremes

February 2 2009, 3:56 PM 

Neat pictures! Poor little guy needed a warm bath.

Is it true that Koala's can be pretty aggressive? You wouldn't think that by those pictures.


Aggressive ???????????

February 2 2009, 6:20 PM 

Like any wild animal, especially from the bear family, they can be very aggressive.

They live in the wild, how would you feel if an eight foot bear came along and picked you up and held you to it's chest ??

The ones that live in the wildlife parks, etc; can be more timid.

Sometimes they will urinate on you to show their displeasure at you picking them up, OR, is it that they are afraid ??

Others may bite or scratch you.

Others again are very comfortable and may even snuggle up to you ........ for a while wink.gif

The one in the picture may live in a "Green corridor", these are areas that are fenced off from roads where they can live in relative safety.

Possibly it has had interaction with humans over time and has become a bit more trusting of them, hence why it has come looking for a cooler place to stay.

Most Aussies treat them with love and respect.



I've seen the light, and changed my wicked ways. wink.gif

Thomas Owens

Re: Aggressive ???????????

February 2 2009, 6:41 PM 

Thanks for that first hand experience with these fuzzy animals. I think I heard that you need to be careful with Koala's because they look so cute, that you might forget that they are still bears. It's more the people than the bears that are probably the problem.

Just looking at those pictures I can imagine someone wanting to hug that bear and then out of self-defense the poor bear might scratch back.

Aaron Baum

Very Neat Photo's!

February 2 2009, 11:16 PM 

Hi Shorty,

Thank You for sharing the photo's with us, that is so neat! Hope the days will cool down for you soon, at least a little!! happy.gif


Current Topic - A country of extremes
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