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Pro Cleaners

February 4 2009 at 12:19 AM

Rick fantastic job on Pro Cleaners. You covered alot of ground and gave some good info. I enjoyed it!


Rick Gelinas

Re: Pro Cleaners

February 4 2009, 7:43 AM 

Hi Bryan,

Thanks for the nice compliment.

It was a fun group! A good sized crowd showed up. There were between 50-60 people in the room at any given time. A lot of excellent questions were asked. The discussion lasted for 3 hours straight. And we covered a ton of ground; everything from the principles of encapsulation, to marketing, to setting up and running a commercial business, and more. I could have gone on for another hour or two, but by the time midnight rolled around it was time to sign off.

Commercial carpet cleaning is an AWESOME business. And it's one that is fairly recession proof, like we discussed last night. So now's a great time to jump in and start ramping up your commercial business. I hope everyone got a better sense of easy that is to accomplish form the interview.

It really was a lot of fun hosting the Pro Cleaner's Network! I had a blast. But then again, I could talk about commercial carpet care for hours and still have more to cover. I love this stuff. As our tag line says, I'm OBSESSIVE about commercial carpet cleaning. happy.gif

I hope all of the participants and those who were listening in enjoyed what they heard and gained an idea or two that can help grow their commercial business. If I can be of assistance to anyone, shoot me an e-mail, or call the office.

Thanks for the invite Dan! I look forward to doing it again sometime. happy.gif

Rick Gelinas


Joe DeSouza

Was it recorded?!

February 4 2009, 8:13 AM 

Rick, was it recorded? I couldnt attend...




Rick Gelinas

Re: Was it recorded?!

February 4 2009, 8:18 AM 

Sorry you missed it Joe.

Dan said he'll load up the recording at in the next few days.

Rick Gelinas


For those who missed it visit the archives

February 4 2009, 10:45 AM 

Rick before last evening I knew you were very knowlegable about the business. Knowlegable seems like an understatement as you were a wealth of info. I do not think you even touched upon what you could share or have to offer the industry. As far as attendance I think you were within a couple of the record. I have listened live a couple of times and certainly several from the PCN archives and last evening was certainly one of the better ones. You have a great knowlege of cleaning but I what I would like more of is your marketing/business experience. I hope you do another evening talking more about that. For the others who missed it or were unable to listen make sure take time to listen to the archive. Great Job! TY


Re: For those who missed it visit the archives

February 4 2009, 1:23 PM 

my darn wireless connection crapped out when the good stuff got started. I'll have to listen to it when it goes up.

I will echo what Rick said about Stephen Schiffmans books
they have been a great asset

Bill Martins

Rick and PCN

February 6 2009, 8:25 PM 

The recording should be released on Sunday.

Good stuff Rick.


Current Topic - Pro Cleaners
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